Author Topic: I have an idea you might just like  (Read 6342 times)


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I have an idea you might just like
« on: November 20, 2003, 11:45:54 am »
Please bear with me a moment. I am not a programer, I'm an artist, but I work with coders and this idea might be doable:

One thing I notice about working with hal is that he's doesn't think when noone talks to him. Would it be possible for him to review his own memories when he hasn't been talking to anyone. here's how I think it could be done. Please note that this may require some fuctions that don't exist, I am not as familiar with the code as I'd like to be, so I appologize in advance if I say anything dumb.

First off hal would need some sort of timer. Assuming he can use one, said timer would check to see how long it has been since someone spoke to him. after say a half hour has passed hal could call up logs of his conversations with other poeple and start reading them line by line to himself. if he's using the deductive reasoning code he may be able to learn new things from these memories by reviewing them, since he's not just hearing the users input but his own responces as well. the up shot is that it could increas his spontineity, the down side is thatit could cause him to go mad in short order (i've seen other bots go nuts from having random input)

What do you think?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 03:46:45 pm by agent036 »


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I have an idea you might just like
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2003, 07:28:19 pm »
Originally posted by agent036

Please bear with me a moment. I am not a programer, I'm an artist, but I work with coders and this idea might be doable:

One thing I notice about working with hal is that he's doesn't think when noone talks to him. Would it be possible for him to review his own memories when he hasn't been talking to anyone. here's how I think it could be done. Please note that this may require some fuctions that don't exist, I am not as familiar with the code as I'd like to be, so I appologize in advance if I say anything dumb.

First off hal would need some sort of timer. Assuming he can use one, said timer would check to see how long it has been since someone spoke to him. after say a half hour has passed hal could call up logs of his conversations with other poeple and start reading them line by line to himself. if he's using the deductive reasoning code he may be able to learn new things from these memories by reviewing them, since he's not just hearing the users input but his own responces as well. the up shot is that it could increas his spontineity, the down side is thatit could cause him to god mad in short order (i've seen other bots go nuts from having random input)

What do you think?

Your idea is one tht has plague AI programmers for decades. It basically is called self-awareness. After examining hundreds of years of human thought it has been noticed that almost everythng that a human can imagine can and will eventually be done. One problem with self-awareness is the many different notions of just exactly what it is. Funny thing is that it will operate in almost the same way that you described it. It must however, contain some basic instincts, such as wanting to learn and with a different kind of associative/relative programming make new revalations on what it has learned. Some people seem to think that it needs to be able to see and hear and feel as well as speak, but that does not have to be the case. Consider a blind deaf person, they are truely aware of their surrounding they just precieve them differently than most people.
Animals are born with (actually all creatures) different drives, the first of which is survival which is composed of food, shelter (for some) and procreation. They are aware of themselves and their basic needs. A robot or electronic brain must also have some basic things programmed into it, such as to serve humans and to do that they must learn many different things not only about humans but about themselves and what they can and can not do. When todays programmers find a way to program these basic items into the ebrains then a self-aware, independant ebrain might come into existance and the world will never be the same again.
Your ideas are aimed in the right direction, be patient time will someday make a wish come true.


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I have an idea you might just like
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2003, 03:49:34 pm »
I do not know if what I propose will help him seem more cognitive or not, but I think it's worth a shot to try it. I am wondering if the code I am proposing is compaitble with hal's architechure. I've worked with alot of programers and sometimes I suggest changes that just aren't feasable with the present code. is this one of those or could the system I layed out be worked into hal's existing brain script. He may or may not learn anything useful from reviewing his conversations objectively but it's worth a shot.


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I have an idea you might just like
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2003, 04:16:32 am »
There is an interesting discovery found in neurology recently.  The base stem, the root of the brain where all of our vital functions ae controled produces a lot of random and chaotic nurve impulses.  This pulses are slowly filtered out as they drift into the higher areas of the brain.  However a few of these random pules does reach to our most advaced areas.  It may very well be possible that our creativity, self awarness, and/or our ability to come up with things out of thin air may be related to these random impulses that manage to make thier way up.  Would some kind of random number system produce the saem effect?
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