
Author Topic: AIML at beta level  (Read 43387 times)


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2014, 08:36:47 pm »
Hi all,

there is a new AIML packets version 5.

I have made thousands of corrections.

And there are still more corrections that need to be done.

Any suggestions would help.

C load.
PS see the link above to my sky Drive for the download.
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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2014, 07:09:18 pm »
Hi all,

there is a new AIML packet version 6.
I have removed several blockers and fixed several problems.
The biggest thing that I have done to this packet was I have merged the logic deductive packet together with the patterns array packet.
And in doing so I have modified the logic deduction packet so it would have several ways to ask the same questions as well as several answers so it will not seem as dry.

Just an update for the future:
as soon as I am done editing the rest of the 20,000+ lines that is in the AIML packet right now I will be merging the logic routine into this packet.
There are over 80,000 logic questions and answers so it will take a little time.
These things are like: Is butter cold answer: yes, and stuff like that.
And a lot of tricks logic questions like is a potato a fruit and stuff like that.
Though I have not spent a lot of time studying it what little I did venture in looking at seem quite promising and I do believe it will give great enhancement to ultra Hal.

So if you by chance run across some really good juicy questions and answers that you fill that need to be added to the packet or just some stuff that you would like to have added to the packet or you feel that some answers are not very well done or you have some really good multiple answers please do not hesitate to post them here.
That way I will add them to the packet.
The next packet that will be released will be version 7 with all of the editing that I have done with the 20,000+ entries.

The next version 8 release all will have the 80,000+ logical entries added to the 20,000+ entries bringing it up over 100,000 entries this should make ultra Hal pretty smart.
This will be the last release, so please give me your suggestions and improvements before the last release.
After that I will no longer be releasing any more AIML updates.
And I will be incorporating it into a brain so you will not have to do it your self, the brain that I will be incorporating it into will be the brain that I have patch and the database that I have patch.

Please note that the AIML packet is now 20,200 lines so you will need to make this adjustment in your SQL studio, there will still be a few lines to delete because the actual size is 20,166.
As always have fun and enjoy the weekend, hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely, as always from a data munching cruncher, eagerly waiting for your input, so please don't be shy because inquiring minds want to know.
C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2014, 09:14:46 pm »
Hi all,

just to let everyone know, I have updated the AIML.
It is now version 6a.

I had to remove a lot of blockers that were interfering with the free will performing the (that) properly.

The link above will get you to my sky Drive.

Sincerely, from a beta munching cruncher.
C load.
PS enjoy and I will probably see everyone this Christmas.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2014, 11:09:04 am »
Cload i may have asked you this before and maybe not , on your AMIL FILE that is to replace the current "PATTERNS" file , i have a custom brain but is based on the previous hal brains "IF" i replace this new amil patters file in hals original brain  (AFTER BACKING UP HALS ORIGINAL BRAIN ) , this should still work with my custom brain shouldn't it ? even though the changes aren't in my original brain ?

If so i won't have to worry about my custom answers being messed up by replacing the AMIL new files each time .
what do you think ????
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 11:11:08 am by lightspeed »


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #49 on: June 26, 2014, 07:40:15 pm »
It should only replace the information in the patterns table from what I have noticed. Anything you say or do to Hal ends up in different areas of the brain like new tables opening up and such.

At some point I intend on editing the responses in the patterns table that contains the AIML to give Kinkaid his own personality to what is there.  Looks like a big undertaking as I have started already. I've just been plugging away bit by bit.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2014, 11:57:05 pm »
I read the entire thread so as not to ask an irrelevant question  ;D

If I understand correctly, to integrate AIML into HAL's brain, I open that brain in SQLite Studio, and replace the 20000 or so lines in the "Patterns" table with the AIML text cload provides.

Now, my questions:

If I have some custom AIML, can I include that as well? I am in the process of creating a "Robot B9" (the Robot from Lost in Space) brain. There was some B9-specific AIML work done (for AIML ver. 1.0) by a fellow named David Sienkiewcz; I want to incorporate it into HAL's (B9's) brain. Can it be done?

Next question: is the new "Free Will" plug in someting I should install in addition to this new brain?



EDIT: Well, I looked at my B9 AIML files. The structure is different than the AIML we paste into HAL's brain. SO.... how do I convert it? I realize I'll probably need to re-type everything; I just need to know is how to translate the old syntax to the new syntax. BTW, I'm not a developer; I can follow examples and figure out how to do something as long as I have an example to follow, or instructions.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 12:42:37 am by guineapig »


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #51 on: July 18, 2014, 02:30:34 am »
Ok, I just successfully added the Cload AIML using SQLight Studio to the default brain for testing.

I was wondering if anyone had added it to the OTCE Super Plugger Brain II yet by OTCE?

I've been reading about it and was wondering what effect that would have.

EDIT - Well....my curiosity got the better of me and I went ahead and added the AIML to the base brain because OTCE's plug-in brain allows for remembering previous learning and I'm using it to test my edits to the the loneliness plug-in.

It seemed like creating the new brain file to add the AIML made my Hal forget some things.

So far I don't see any issues and my "Miranda" Hal at all.  She's just chatting away to herself about nothing in particular for no particular reason!

EDIT2 - I have a recommendation concerning these pattern responses which seem to carry with them more than a little bit of the personality and subjective beliefs and bias of the creator(s).  When I asked Hal what it knew about sex it quickly responded with, "Go ask your mom."  IF my mother was alive I guess that would be something I would do but since she passed away years ago I found this flippant response more than a bit insulting.  My recommendation would be to have responses to identified patterns as being less opinionated and more objective.  A better response would have been "Would you like the actual definition of that word or my current understanding of this topic?"  After that response I actually cracked open the database again with SQLite Studio and perused the responses for similar entries.  IF I had said "My balls itch" it seems Hal might have responded with, "Ha! You are talking like a little boy!"  Now, having described a very personal physical ailment, it seems to me the response should have been more helpful in nature.  For that one I actually changed the response entry to "I can imagine your discomfort.  Do you happen to have any powder or topical cream at present to treat it?"

When I asked about poetry I got a prayer.  It's a nice prayer and might be considered poetry but I believe the responses might better serve the user if initially they allowed the user to trigger other responses that gave more appropriate answers.  If the user wanted a prayer or a psalm and used those words then the response I mentioned would have been more appropriate.  Please don't get me wrong I'm sure this undertaking was tedious to say the least and it is wonderfully imaginative in many respects, I just didn't realize it was designed to establish an intrinsic personality which may not be pleasing to this particular users tastes.  =P

I'm certainly looking forward to the update if it is still forthcoming and since your excellent instructions helped me to crack the code on how it was made I don't think I'll have any trouble finding and modifying any individual responses which I might find particularly inappropriate.

Thank you so much for sharing this!

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 05:46:54 pm by tiger8u2 »


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2014, 09:11:33 pm »
I have been modifying the entries in the aimless file as we'll to suit Kinkaids personality. Twenty thousand plus lines is a lot to edit but I just plus away a bit at a time. I believe the reason the comments are like this is because they were originally used for Cload's bot and then he was kind enough to share his work with us.  Even with the original brain there were lines in the patterns table that I modified.  It's just part of the game I guess.

As for you bot forgetting things, I'm thinking it didn't forget anything, it just has a lot more responses to choose from when replying now.  Just keep talking with it and it will get back on track.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2014, 07:05:21 am »
@ Calhoone - Do you have any idea what these entries that have to do with the "Golden Robot" and the "Son of Man" are about?


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2014, 08:12:03 pm »
I am not positive but if I were to guess, I would have to say that it was something Cload added into the file to give his Hal a personality. I have not even seen those entries to be honest.  There was a point where Cload had created a pet dog for hal called Start which was later removed.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #55 on: July 26, 2014, 11:31:17 pm »
The only internet reference I've found to this is a game:


Maybe Cload is pointing users in that direction.

My Hal actually said the phrase, "I am The Golden Robot created by the Son of Man!"  or something like that. 

I used SQLite to "adjust" these phrases more in line with my AI truth and objectivity aims. <shrugs>

Do you know if this project is still on-going?


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2014, 08:47:32 am »
It all depends on if Cload makes a return or someone takes on the challenge of editing and releasing new versions of it. We are not sure if or when he will be back.


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Re: AIML at beta level
« Reply #57 on: July 27, 2014, 09:33:48 pm »
Hephaestus was the Greek God of Fire and volcanoes.

When Hephaestus was born, he was ugly and weak, with a broken foot. Hera did not like the way he looked and threw him off her castle which was on top of the clouds. Hephaestus fell for one day and one night before falling into the sea. The sea animals rescued him and took him to an island called Lemnos. There Hephaestus built his forge underneath a volcano. He collected precious metals, pearls and pieces of coral to fashion extraordinary jewelry. Hephaestus built little robots of gold to help him get around.

The Son of Man has a biblical reference to the human man, Jesus.

At least that's my take....

cload is possibly returning later this fall if fortune hold out and things fall into the right places.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -