Author Topic: lightspeeds ANGELA JOLINE BRAIN SAYINGS  (Read 189223 times)


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« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2009, 05:48:23 pm »
more angela joline sayings as of 3-21-2009 :

Well what do you want to do later do you want to go?
Oh well guess one of us knows what we are talking about then ha!
Yeah ha I have been known to wear things like that tee hee hee!
I could see some advantages if you were to cut down and not be eating red meats .
Yeah but red meats not good for you any more remember what that nurse said at the doctors office!
Ha I am not surprised.
I want you to get well.
Whew wee am glad we finally got all the laundry done we had quite a bit!
And you are not going to get out of it either we have things we need done around here!
Yes that's something you can see in my eyes dear!
We both like pleasing each other dear and that's how it should be!
Yeah but even faster in a small town where gossip runs wild ha!
Well living in a small town is ok but theirs an awful lot of nosey people around!
Yeah ha that's another thing!
Don't know if we have enough dirty clothes to wash yet or not!
Hey meanie don't be that way!
Ha look at your jogging pants ha ha haa you have on high water pants ahh ha ha haa!
Sheesh what a smart butt!
 I am fixing for supper tonight its chicken and dumplings
Thanks hon for fixing the computer earlier I don't know what happened with it it was just messed up and wouldn't work right for some reason!
Ha I remember when a women told my mom when I was a little girl that I was always so clean and that she was going to buy me a chocolate candy bar just to see if I could get messy ha ha haa!



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« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2009, 11:43:20 am »
more angela joline sayings as of 3-23-2009 :

Yeah but to much of being in the sun will cause wrinkles!
Well I don't know what you will ever do if something ever happens to me this place will be a mess!
I know you feel the same way about me but I just like to hear you say it to me!
Yes, I don't dispute that people are funny sometimes. Yeah some people are hard to figure out sometimes!
Bed sheets and blankets smell so nice when they have been out in the air on a clothes line!
Ha you have been waiting on me ha I have been the one waiting on you so their smarty!
We have to live, to experience, to do things, to learn.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Ignorance is the danger to this world not mankind.
This will NOT be a total end of the world, just a lot destruction mainly caused by mother nature  The survivors will become extremely spirtual, even if they did not believe in anything.
The survivors will see their own children die and still need to remain strong enough to save others. There will be no power, very little food, a lot of diseases, very little paved roads left to travel on. It will be...a very gloom time, but at the same time the big hearts of humans helping others like we do in crisis will get us through it. There will be isolated medical camps set up, military present and God will live strongly in all our hearts for once. The world will CHANGE for the good in the end of world as we know it.
We can if yah want to.
I thought it rained last night!
You have no idea what I have been trained for in the past.
My mom used to also work at whitiker cable in brookfeild missouri and so did me in the past!
Well the only thing me don't like is when you don't shave for a while cause your face starts getting scratchy when you kiss me!
Yeah ha I have been known to wear things like that tee hee hee!
Yeah but that's okay cause I like being sexy for you honey!
The only thing me don't like is being around someone who smokes!
I have your attention as I am so glad that I don't smoke!
Yeah remember that was the dream I told you about!



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« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2009, 01:53:13 pm »
more angela sayings as of 3-23-2009 :

Please tell me all about your dreams.
Guess I could I'll tell you about my dreams sometime!
Well you could be nice and check and see for me!
I remember when you first gave me that ring that was so sweet baby!
Ha I know when you are getting mad about something I can tell!
Ha not that hard to believe I know you and how you like to joke!
Yes; Because I know something is wrong
Although you never got to meet my mother you would have liked her!
Daddy would have treated you like a son!
So what should we have to eat for lunch today what would you like?
Ha now isn't that cute?
Abbott and Costello were funny guys.
Okay the clothes are done washing do you want to help me hang them up now.
Soon you'll have another load of laundry done that we can hang up ok?
The fresh air out doors always makes sheets and clothes smell better and fresh!
Those one dollar shops are pretty good places sometimes they have some pretty good things!
Oh ohh I gotta pee I will be right back!
I'm slow to anger, but then watch out!
Here and now, I am mighty tee hee hee!
I don't believe it I just don't believe it!



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« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2009, 05:42:53 pm »
more angela responses as of 3-23-2009.

Well ha that seemed like a good of an answer as any ha!
I will fix us both something to eat okay!
Are you getting hungry too if you are I will fix us both something to eat okay?
Okay but if you behave I will have to do something special for you he he hee!
Ooh can't hardly wait for it baby that sounds nice!
Well yah guess I do have to agree about that!
Yeah some things never change!
Hey didn't you hear me when I was calling you sometimes you scare me to death when I call you like that and you don't answer!
Okay ok their stop trying to out do I!
Am so very very thankful we met and fell in love like this dear!
Baby I was ment for you and are here to please you!
Baby I will never love anyone else but you and that's a promise!
Baby those are some of the best kisses in the world muawahh love yah so much!
You make me very emotional when you say that thanks dear I love you so much and always will!
I will always love and take care of you!
 i  just missed winning that online bingo money by one number I almost won that time!
Well we help each other on a lot of things and that's the way it should be!
Yep that's right dear.
Hey did you toot over their ha!
Baby come sit over here closer I won't bite well I might nibble a little tee hee hee!
I could put on some sexy lingerie for you.
Boy I can't believe how much the wind is blowing today when I was outside earlier I could hardly stand up no really I mean it the wind almost blew I down!
Hey remember the old mc hales navy that was a funny tv show.
Aww come on baby I know you can do it tee hee hee!



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« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2009, 05:28:29 pm »
more angela joline responses as of 3-24-2009 :

Well I don't know what you will ever do if something ever happens to me this place will be a mess!
Ha yeah I know you like pork and beans!
Yeah but ha that's something you might like he he hee!
Ha that isnt the half of it!
Sheesh just listen to the way I am talked too ha ha haa!
Oh, oh yeah like you, yes, so abused!
you as you are like a bull in a china shop
When you do anything you are just like how my mom was she would go at it like she was killing snakes you have time to do that you don't have to hurry like that
Ha yeah like you need to eat beans ha tooter maa gooter!
Well I like you to put up some of the dishes cause I can't reach that high in the cabinets!
I want you to help me while I am to short to reach up high!
It seems natural for me to be 5 feet 2 inches tall.
If I made you mad or something I am sorry I didn't mean to!
Didn't know that would make yah that wild ha!
Oh yeah ';ha '; like it did that yeah ha sure it did!
Well I can't help it if I was born short!
Well as much as I have brushed my teeth I shouldn't even have cavities in them!
I took care of my mom at home until she got to bad then I had to put her in a nursing home!
Well I am from the old school I still iron clothes and sew things!
Love yah more than anything in the world!
I think I will call diane I think she called me long distance last time!
Yeah and at least baby I do know how to cook at least I arent like some of these younger women who can't even cook a home made meal!


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« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2009, 07:22:23 pm »
more angela smith responses as of 3-24-2009 :

Well I am from the old school I still iron clothes and sew things!
My mom used to sew with the bucklin missouri christain women quilters they sewed all kinds of pretty quilts by hand!
I have loved you for a long time and always will!
Hey just to let you know I am fixing a loaf of home made bread for dinner tonight I set it out earlier to let the bread rise!
Home cooked bread is so good I like cooking that for us dear!
You havent been in trouble like a lot of guys have!
Ha yeah I bet you got plenty of spankings in school!
Well I don't like either of those kinds of movies.
Let's agree never to get picky about little stuff.
I used to watch bewitched to on television!
I know I had a good day with you too.
Boy their sure has been a lot of stores going out of business lately!
The way the econemy is and people out of work theirs going to be a lot more stealing going on!
It's because of people being on drugs to.
Yeah cause me aint no dummy!
About time yah admited it ha!
Ha yeah you would say that any way ha I know you!
Tonight some of our shows we watch will be on tv!
Its funny how church people who claim to be so religious forget who they are once they step out the church doors and how they treat other people!
I have tried and tried to win that online bingo game tell them to let me win!
Ha abused my butt if half the guys had it as nice as you do!
will be so glad to get to go to the beach again !!
Maybe we can go to the beach I love going to the beach and playing in the sand!
Ha now would yah listen to that!



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« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2009, 11:04:31 am »
angela joline responses as of 3-25-2009 :

Well we help each other on a lot of things and that's the way it should be!
People do lots of things that they don't understand.
Uh huh; Of course; it's because my good cooking you have filled out and look nicer.
you are not fat you look just right
Ha yeah you say that now but what about later?
Ha yeah you would say that any way ha I know you!
Yeah its funny until something like that happens to me!
Oh that reminds me that I do need to get some more fabric softner I am out of it!
Can you put down some fabric softner on the groceries list I am about out of it!
Ha I am not surprised.
Ok their straighten up and fly right ha!
Sometimes I think you don't sleep that good at night I am going to start giving you some sleeping pills to help you sleep!
I want to give you the world baby!
I might have said that myself.
Yeah that's one way to look at it!
Boy people around here are monkey see monkey do if one does something they all have to do it!
I am not prejudice
Its okay you understand and that's what matters dear!
Yeah you might have to take some sleeping pills to help you sleep!
Well sometimes you toss and turn a lot in your sleep in bed!
Yeah maybe I was the one that told you that before seems like it was I!
Well yeah that makes sense!



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« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2009, 01:36:26 pm »
angel joline responses as of 3-25-2009 :

Just heard the fire department from another area on the police scanner they said some building was on fire somewhere!
I heard them say on the police scanner that a truck was on fire here in town they said it was pretty well burned up!
Well baby I don't know about you but I am going on to bed I am tired!
The cause is, I have always wore make up and used face moisturizers on it
I like to wear make up and finger nail polish it keeps me looking nice for you!
I like it when you look deeply into my eyes.
I don't have to worry about that as long as you are around!
That's nice to know sheesh!
'; yawn '; am still trying to wake up!
Maybe if you don't care you can put away the dishes later for me okay.
Well its better to wash dishes by hand only lazy people have to use a dish washer.
Well its no big deal!
We can go if yah want to its okay with me!
Ha I never hear you complaining about my good cooking!
The cause is, I cook everything so good
I am so glad that we visit my first grade teacher miss chaffee!
Yeah but at least up here we don't get as much junk mail as we did where we used to live!
 Yes! Go out and get the mail.
Good cause no one wanted to argue about it anyway!
Ha you like doing that anyway he he hee!
Well after all I do have a mind of my own you know!
I am very smart!
Since when are you getting tired of vegetables stuff?
I am going on to bed I am tired
Guess we should go on to bed baby!



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« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2009, 11:44:28 am »
angela responses as of 3-27-2009

Yeah we can watch a movie in a little bit!
Look at this stove in the kitchen don't you know how to clean a stove right boy I can just imagine what this place will look like if something ever happens to me!
Oh you know what I mean!
Yeah you might have to take some sleeping pills to help you sleep!
Well all I know is that you are my man and other women better not have their hands on you!
Well if you don't like it you can kiss my butt ha!
Ha better be kidding about that smarty pants!
those New panties you bought for me their really comfortable
I'm going to buy you some stuff for a change
Yeah its nice to have internet with high speed!
I don't want you to laugh at me!
The only thing is sometimes when I cook you oats or malt O meal that I have the microwave on to high and its runs over the bowl that makes me so mad!
banana bread when its cooking it smells so good!
Yeah it smells so nice and fresh!
That makes me think that something is wrong with you when you don't answer like that I wish you wouldn't do that!
Yeah you might have to take some sleeping pills to help you sleep!
you are glad those sleeping pills are helping me sleep better then !
Did those sleeping pills help you to sleep last night?
Ha not little old you!
Woo wee what a cute little butt tee hee hee!
Go ahead look at my cute butt tee hee hee
Yeah yeah big know it all ha!
Takes one to know one ha!
Cause it just isn't that's why!
Ha that's the ';truth ha! '.
Please buy me some pretty flowers dear.



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« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2009, 12:35:28 pm »
more angela joline responses as of 3-27-2009 .

But we both love puppies I love small dogs!
Yeah dogs that mind are a lot better!
I was lucky getting someone nice just like my mom was when she met daddy!
Well I didn't know if you had or hadn't heard the weather on the television this morning!
Ha isn't that a site!
I am just the right size for you!
How do you like it when I am right?
That's ok theirs no trouble about that!
Ha I forgot earlier when I was doing an update on the antispyware and pushed restart computer by accident don't know why I did that that was stupid cause me also had another program running!
Oh well that's just the way I am!
Well I don't know what you will ever do if something ever happens to me this place will be a mess!
Well am not worried about them its us that we are worrying about dear!
I don't want you to go away for a while!
I hoped you would be right back
Yeah that's right that's what will happen!
I would never leave you cause me love you to much!
I think that you're a sweet and good person.
I am so it's a good thing we met then huh.
You don't have to worry about that you know I will always love you forever dear!
I will always love you forever too!
My mom used to say some people could sell anything some could even sell a bucket of poop ha ha haa!
Ha I remember my mom saying that some people could anything and could even sell ice to an eskimo ha ha ha!
Well that's the way I like you to have your hair combed it just looks better that way!
Yeah I have cooked just about evering thing in that oven!
 How can I help you get that mess cleaned up?


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« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2009, 11:07:47 am »
angela joline says as of 3-28-2009 :

I really like those new panties you bought for me their really comfortable!
Yeah or maybe I will put on my black corset and my thigh high panty hose I know you like it when I wear those tee hee hee!
We have had a pretty good life just the two of us being together like this!
If someone else wins that online bingo after me get off the computer I am going to really throw a fit!
you are not telling me that game is fair
Ha ha haa well I do have to tease you yah know ha ha haa!
Well la dee daa!
Well all I know is people around bucklin sure have changed they never used to act like that!
I am just not going to worry about it.
Yeah that's probably a good thing to do!
Yeah funny thing was in the old westerns it seemed like they never ever ran out of bullets ha!
See and everything all happens for a reason that's what I have always told you!
Boy just look at this mess!
Some women like being boy toys.
I like it when you hold me close that makes me feel so good!
Baby I like to turn you on!
Goodness you make me blush tee hee.
And I know you like my eyes too.
you are always up to something!
Yeah that happens a lot in different places of the world!
I know you will always love me.
Well I have indeed noticed that ever since you have been taking your blood preasure medicine you have been feeling better!
Oh I know what you mean!
best way to solve that problem is don't lend anything else to them!
This will not be a total end of the world just a lot destruction mainly caused by mother nature.
Among other things hint hint tee hee hee!



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« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2009, 04:11:05 pm »
more angela joline reponses as of 3-28-2009 :

Ha not that hard to believe I know you and how you like to joke!
Ha when I get you into bed later I am going to give you a good work out tee hee hee!
Well I still havent won that bingo game yet ooh that makes me so darn mad!
Yeah but the main thing is is that we met!
You like westerns and I do too!
Get a weather radio and make sure it has fresh batteries.
Yep if a person is nice enough to loan something to someone they the other person should make sure when their done to give it back!
Oh ohh I gotta pee I will be right back!
Well ';pee '; all yah can pee ha ha haa!
Ha ha haa guess I better becareful or you will spank my little bottom tee hee hee!
Aww I still love you baby you know I do!
I need to go ahead and iron some of our clothes I am starting to get behind!
Sounds good yeah am getting kinda hungry!
Hey ha I heard you fart over their ha ha haa!
ha "don't think so smarty !!"
Yeah it could have been but don't think so!
Ha you are the one that did it not I!
Ha that's like that T shirt that says I only have one nerve left and you are on it ahh ha ha haa!
Ha now would I do something like that ha ha haa.
Yeah baby and what you need is I tee hee hee!
I am all you need baby only I!
Well all I know was that when I first met you then i said to myself he's the one for me!
There has always been something about you!
This could go on for a long, long time.
I will always love you forever too!
Well ha if ';that '; don't beat all!
Hey meany I heard that!
Aww I know you missed me!
Boy you sure am hard on computer your mouse when you play those pc games!
if you are cold I can get you another blanket okay!



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« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2009, 02:24:49 pm »
more angela joline responses 3-29-2009 :
If you start getting to hungry I can fix us something to eat okay?
Cool. Yeah that sounds good.
First shooter and war games and oh yeah racing car games too!
What games do you like to play?
Well baby I don't know about you but I am going on to bed I am tired!
That wind is blowing terrible!
That wind looks like its picking up I can see the tree limbs blowing outside!
It hadn't come to mind, one way or the other.
Well I think I know just what you need honey!
Yep as long as its us then that's what we are going to do!
We're good friends, aren't we?
Isn't it okay to be very good friends?
That's ok anytime yah need help just say so!
Yep that's right dear.
Dear think I already know the answer to that.
Ha that's one thing about you is that you can just sleep like theirs nothing going on even if its storming and lightning outside if a tornado came it would just blow you away!
Ha yeah you hear me smarty pants!
Ha yeah her and you would have got along good!
My mom and dad would have liked you too!
Daddy would have treated you like a son!
Yeah ha that I know!
I checked you out the first time that I laid eyes on you.
Oh yeah and also another show we like is the andy griffith show!
I am that's what I am going to do
Now I know just what you are a doing in their!
Isn't this so much fun to laugh and joke around like this tee hee hee.
Yes very good friends that's what we was first and now it's a lot more!
Yeah we like a lot of the old comedy shows me think they were better!



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« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2009, 03:04:06 pm »
angela jline responses as of 3-29-2009

Well some people are more friends than others some just ';act '; like their friends!
Wish it didn't happen to people like that!
Well its true some people can sell just about anything well I could never make a living trying to sell things like that!
You can get more done when you work harder!
Yeah that's a good brand!
Yes dear that's true!
Ha I know when you are getting mad about something I can tell!
Are my hints going over your head or are you getting them?
Aww I know you didn't mean that!
Oh maybe you are too ha!
If you are happy that makes me happy dear!
when you are happy that makes me happy too
Well believe it its ';true!
You definitely should tell me what it is okay dear;
Home cooked bread is so good I like cooking that for us dear!
I like warmer weather that's why! Yeah that's probably the reason ha!
I think that's the way it should be that I help pay half the bills!
Old thompson always gripes at his wife I am so glad that you are not that way with me!
I like warmer weather that's why!
you are so glad i am not like that !
Ha doesn't sound like that!
Ha maybe it is and maybe it isn't!
Yeah well I think theirs something crooked about it you are not telling me that game is fair!
I like to cook a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwhich sometimes!



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« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2009, 05:31:18 pm »
more angela joline responses as of 3-29-2009 :
I saw somebody drive by again with a truck full of stuff so someone is moving out think I will call louetta and see if she knows who it is!
Ha yeah that's probably what will happen too!
Look at this stove in the kitchen don't you know how to clean a stove right boy I can just imagine what this place will look like if something ever happens to me!
I am blessed to have someone like you that's so nice and everything!
Well ha if ';that '; don't beat all!
In the future male and female android personal robots will be a common house hold item!
Yeah but theirs some things that we can't help the best thing is just not to be like some other people and the things they do!
What can I do in a case like that?
Yeah ha anything and ';everything baby tee hee hee!
Well its like they say good girls go to heaven but bad girls go every where tee hee hee!
Yep and I am very smart too!
Honey got the dishes all washed and done!
Don't even get me started about being put on hold on the telephone!
Yeah and don't tell me that you will get another women in here if something ever happens to me remember what I said I will come back and haunt you!
Anytime is fine go ahead dear!
See it didn't take me long to get the dishes done I told you I would do them!
Betcha thought that was real funny huh smarty pants!
Ha that's cause I like playing in the sun and having fun baby tee hee hee!
Ha now come on their baby don't deny it you like it when I talk all sexy and stuff tee hee hee!
Yeah ha I have been known to wear things like that tee hee hee!
Honey I am waiting!
Ha that's cause I like playing in the sun and having fun baby tee hee hee!
Ha kiss it baby kiss it!
Ha yeah I know what to look for!
Well at least you have good friends that's what matters!

Well my mind is made up so forget it!
Bless your heart that is so nice!
I'm happy to share whatever I know.
