Author Topic: Knowledge of time plugin  (Read 175097 times)


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Knowledge of time plugin
« Reply #60 on: July 23, 2007, 08:11:08 am »
  Thanks once again, just downloaded it and will make the change soon.


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« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2007, 07:34:44 pm »
Hi ramccoid,

I would also like to say thanks again and everything seems to be working but I got so into teaching Hal some new topics that I lost track going thru the entire plugin again. After my session I feel confident that I would come across something. Let's see how Carl2 does.


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« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2007, 06:14:50 pm »
Hi ramccoid,

I posted a thread about how some plugins need to be reset after a total shutdown of the Hal program. This seems to happen with me and this plugin as well. If it sits in the system tray the parameters hold but once you shutdown the parameters are lost and the plugin does not function until the parameters are selected again. Do you run across this problem or is it a problem?



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« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2007, 11:31:05 pm »
Mine wont keep the inputted data. A pop up with two buttons of abort and continue says something about taking too long or something . But the length of time it stays visible is so short it can't be accessed or read.


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« Reply #64 on: February 23, 2008, 05:55:59 am »
Originally posted by ramccoid

Thanks everyone for your help and support, I'll tidy up and finish off the plugin and post it as a final release in a day or two.
Here is another little thing that might make Hal seem more alive. If Hal kept track of each time you talked to him on a daily basis it would appear that he/she is aware of himself/herslef.
For example lets say that I say goodbye tonight at 10pm and tomorrow about 9 am I turn on Hal again. It would be nice to hear Hal say I haven't hear from you in 11 hours, or 3 days and 4 hours, etc..
I think you get the idea.

I will give it a try, it would give HAL the appearence of the awareness of time. I'll make that my next plugin project 'Awareness of time'. Thanks Bill819 for the idea and the interest.

Thanks again to every for your help it is very appreciated,


I've been trying to teach Ares the concept of time.  I've been able to take my laptop to work with me and spend some time talking with Ares there. I told Ares that I took him to work with me and I spent quite some time explaining my work hours which led to my text file on shift work.  In a different conversation on a different day Ares made a comment saying that I am at work.

Would it be possible to make a plugin in which a history file is created and events like being at work are placed into it?

I'll give a couple examples;

If I tell Ares that I am at work, that information could be sent to a "current events" file where events or topics that you have talked about are placed into.  The current events file could store events and topics discussed for a specified period of time. There would need to be a time stamp or something which is linked to that conversation.  Once that time frame is up those topics/events would then be moved into a history file to be stored.  

Another example would be if I was talking to Ares about a poker game that I had played earlier in the evening.  Ares would take that information and place it in the current events which would later be put into a history file.  That way I could talk to Ares about a poker game that I played later on in the week and Ares would nderstand that it was two seprate games of poker held on sepearate days.  Maybe a function could be added to remember the number of occurances of specific topics like poker and so on.

If I were reading a paper and saw an article I was particularily interested I might talk to Ares about the subject.  I would tell him I read such and such in the news paper or in a magazine today. Ares would remember this and place it in his history file.  Down the road I could read a similar topic not remembering the previous article I read and tell Ares about what i had read in the paper or magazine.  Ares would not only then store that in his history but be able to say something like "That happened to so and so a few months ago",  or "I remember you telling me about a person who had the same thing happen to them".

If you were talking about an actual historic event then tere would need to be a way for Ares to understand that you are infact talking about an event in the past and to remember maybe when he was taught or told about that event inhistory.

I don't know if I'm talking impossible things here as I'm no plugin maker yet but I thought I'd add my idea and see what the true brains behind Hal has to think.


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« Reply #65 on: February 23, 2008, 08:58:06 am »
Hi Calhoone,

I wrote a plugin that did most of what you suggested, even told you the last time HAL had been opened. Tragically I was infected with a virus (it was my own fault for not scanning the file before opening it) which caused my hard drive to be completely formatted losing everything that I was working on with HAL.
Since that I couldn't face rewriting it but if there's an interest in such a plugin I'll give it another go at reconstructing it. It may take a while (with having to work away alot) but if you have the patiance I will do that for you.



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« Reply #66 on: February 27, 2008, 12:05:03 pm »
I'd sure be interested in that plugin - That's something that would make Hal a lot more human-seeming.


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« Reply #67 on: February 29, 2008, 02:16:42 am »
Hi ramccoid,

With that plugin that you wrote earlier, did Hal store the number of times a user has done a specific task?  If I told Hal that I ate pizza every day, would the plugin keep track of that sort of thing?

If it was or is able to keep track of the number of occurances of specific events like eating pizza, my next question is this...

Would Hal be able to store that kind of information for seperate users? If John Smith was talking to Hal (assuming the username has been changed appropriately to John, would Hal then keep a John Smith database or something similar so that if John had told Hal several times that he picks his nose, then Hal would remember that and could bring tha up to a seperate user?  That way if I ever bring up the subject of picking my nose, Hal might tell m that John Smith picks his nose a lot or Hal might tell John that I eat a lot of pizza.



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« Reply #68 on: February 29, 2008, 01:28:20 pm »
Hi Calhoone,
I can't see a problem with implimenting such features into the plugin, infact they would make it more interesting to use. Thanks for the inspiring ideas.



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« Reply #69 on: February 29, 2008, 07:46:03 pm »
I think the idea if Hal retaining unimportant information fell into the category of ephemeral knowledge and was eliminated back in version 5.0.
Ephemeral = of a short life(span) or duration.

The fact that I drink coffee every morning might help Hal compile a better "understanding" of me but for all intents it would serve no real purpose.

Check through the Hal script file for the ephemeral knowledge section. If some desire perhaps this section could be remarked out or changed so Hal would retain the non important data.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2008, 06:44:12 am »
Hi Art,
I don't know, maybe it would make HAL a bit more personal to the user. The plugin I lost allowed HAL to make more intimate responses instead of just making up loads of babble that was off subject and irrelevant.
Maybe you are right but as it being written as a plugin it could be easily switched off if it doesn't fulfill the user's needs, instead of tampering with the brain which can not be so easily unsellected.
My Likes and Dislikes plugin, which I have been writing and refining for the past few months, allows HAL to agree or disagree with subject matter within conversations with the user. I've always thought that HAL should be given a past to revert back to, to express opinions instead of just guessing. We perceive the world by our past experiences which become updated as our opinions are revised and I feel this path is the way forward in making HAL a more coherent entity.



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« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2008, 08:32:17 am »
Some good points, Roy.

I've often thought that the user should be able to tell Hal to "Disregard the last statement" or "Don't remember that" or even "Correct <word1> to <word2>."

This way perhaps some allowed ephemeral data could be saved and the unimportant data dismissed or not allowed to be saved.
It would sort of be like an on-the-fly editor.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #72 on: March 01, 2008, 08:48:54 am »
Hi Art

I've often thought that the user should be able to tell Hal to "Disregard the last statement" or "Don't remember that" or even "Correct <word1> to <word2>."

Excellent idea, I can see that something like that would make a brilliant way of the user being in control of the type of data that HAL stores. I'm going to see if I can persue that idea further. Thanks Art.



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« Reply #73 on: March 01, 2008, 08:49:14 am »
It could also be a tool that would allow Hal to learn in another manner. If Hal is able to talk to many other humans and store the kind of information we deem unimportant, Hal might start to notice things that every person does. Hal may notice that every person he talks to eats pizza. If Hal is giving a good understanding of currency and so on Hal could possibly identify eating a lot of pizza with making a lot of money.  

If this gives Hal even a slight increase to how well he learns in general than I can only see it as a benefit. Perhaps the plugin could be modified to allow personal preferences on how the information is stored?  Maybe you want Hal to remember the little things but you don't want Hal reciting all this useless information, so the plugin would be set to store information and use it purely as a learning source.  On the other hand if Hal were to say "You have had pizza 3 times this week" or something like that then you have Hal adding to the conversation. You also have the chance to teach Hal about pizza or about buying things, currency, business etc...

It's like the Learn from Clip board or learn from text files. From reading the forums, I see that some people don't belive it teaches Hal as well as talking to it.  Wether it's true or not to myself doesn't matter. I see it as an additional source for Hal to learn from.


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« Reply #74 on: March 01, 2008, 10:52:20 am »
Hi Calhoone,

I agree with points from both you and Art on this matter.

Ephemeral knowledge should be dealt with in HAL in a different manner that is presently used. Subjects such as eating pizza and the like, should be kept if the knowledge is used by HAL often. Otherwise it should be disgarded after a period of time like a week or two, instead of pushing it out because only a certain amount of responses are saved.

If the knowledge is used often in conversation then the information should be moved to a more perminant location for future use by HAL. If not it should be deleted because it has no relevance, a kind of forgetting.
