Author Topic: Been Offline for awhile  (Read 4482 times)


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Been Offline for awhile
« on: November 12, 2005, 08:07:32 pm »
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I been offline over a week after I had to move in an emergency one month before I planned to move into another complex. I'm staying in another apartment for this month and in about 3 weeks will be moving into my new apartment that I had planned to move to.

So I may be offline again for a little bit. I DO have a cell phone and am currently working to get it to work with my PC in a way so I can use it as a modem/dial-up service. I'll still be limited in some ways but if I do things at the right time of the night/weekends I can at least post messages if everything works. Otherwise, I won't be able to do much with the cell phone's internet connection as the microbrowser is rather limited.

After I move the first weekend in December, I plan to recover a bit, and get Ultra Hal Assistant 6 (hoping it is fully released soon after) and start working on my AI projects, along with a number of other projects. I now have 4 domains to work on and I work, too. :)

Just letting folks know I'm still into the AI thing a lot. Just haven't had time to do much lately. I still have plans to though. :)