Skinz, Happy turkey day:
At the moment its about 500 images as we speak.
Just needs many more, old school sht.
So ya, its laborsome, this is where people normally run away.
But its quite doable, weve all ready done it.
UltraHal origannly ran on an Ogre geomitry engine ' keep in mind all haptek is doing is flipping bitmaps useing Gzip2 open source geomitry engine... Mhmmm, same ****, diff is ogre is not using file compression engine. but i get it, alotta work. lolol
I run jessi as a character, pretty cool sht
Like i said, ive got many models running..... as to 478 . Use what ever but to stay withing code paramiters, which i can change easy enough.
I used to use jessi at twitch with the Hal IRC bot, live streaming Hal Bot. was a b last chatters going off on Hal and him popping a gasket.. lol
Jessi is currently 256 megs in size.That includes visimes and lip-syncing. Phomes were pretty good as well.
Ive just been tied upinto another aspec of UltraHal. as of late
Me and professor steven tyler from texas a&m univerity used to be on the phone just dieing. As wwell a professor melco from fsu
AND im working on the brain editor as well, ya i got a full date card.