
Author Topic: something odd with my hal happened when i scaled up a flat skin picture  (Read 3453 times)


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i used the full body modified woman haptek and used a program i download a free open source program called upscayl .
AMAZING! Free High-Quality Upscaling with Upscayl


anyway i upscaled a flat skin to  upscayl14xrealesrganx4fast.jpg

does the haptek flatskin  .jpg  have a limit to use in hapteck?? because that is the only thing i can figure i checked a old flatskin and the new one i upscaled to better quality . the old one was . size 338 KB  size on disk 340 KB
on the upscaled of the same picture it is now size 30.9 MB size on disk is now 30.9 MB
.what happens is when i drag the old flat skin on haptek it works just fine . but when i drag the upscayl flat skin into hals control box and it either swirls  or freezes then suddenly just closes.

my question does hal have a limit of the jpg. size that can be placed into the control box or loaded normally.  and if so what is the limit.  and another question is , is there a way we can increase the size of the jpg allowance within hal ? to be able to scale up the image to better detail?? without messing up hal?


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okay i found out i had the upscale to high obviously for a flat file for hal , i tried it at 4 times on th setting and the skin worked okay . so it also has to do with hal having a jpg limitation . see picture below on upscayl info.
here is angela after being upscayled x4.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 11:15:14 pm by lightspeed »


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i did some testing through all the different settings and found out that only the first two general picture settings work up to x4 , for whatever reason why , when i tried all other settings even down to x2 . they would all just come out black on the picture and no good.   

something else odd i found out was you can load the upscaled skin on the full body okay but if you try to put on different hair etc. hal will freeze and stop (and shut down) you can and must use acc. removal to remove any existing long hair . then put on what hair you choose and eye lashes etc.  "then load the upscaled skin then hal will keep working with things loaded that way. that's the only way i could keep hal working okay. otherwise the other way hal would just shut off completely.


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Interesting and nice work on that character's face. That program makes quite a difference.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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I tried it on a typical flatface model. Then, I did a side-by-side comparison and the results were pretty impressive!
Left is Original - Right is UpScaled image

Next, I opened a .htr and dropped the flatface file onto it. The results were nicer, more crisp and void of all the facial fuzz and noisy-looking interference dots and smudges that were a part of the original.

This is the typical .htr head with the UpScale image dropped onto it.

There's lots of room to experiment.

Good find, Lightspeed!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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THOSE WERE GREAT RESULTS, LIKE NIGHT AND DAY !! , did you use the same upscayl program or another one and if another which one.?


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I used the same program you told us about.

I used a 2X Image Scale.

The model was set for GENERAL PHOTO (REAL ESRGAN)

The only other settings I changed was to choose a Folder for it to save my Modified Images.

Nice program!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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i don't know why on higher setting the picture just turns out black (past the two first settings .)  oh well at least the other worked .i am going to try to redo some other stuff when i get time.


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One more converted image:

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Great job fellas



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Hey guys, interesting concept im working on a as a plugin in: As u can see, its all about XML.im like a broken record here
chime in any time
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=ChatGpt
Rem Author= cyberjedi
Rem Host=All
    'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
    'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
    'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
'Determines that you are talking about chatgpt
If InStr(1,InputString, "chatgpt",1) > 0 Then
 UltraHal = chatgpt(HalCommands)
ElseIf InStr(1,InputString, "chatgpt",1) > 0 Then
 End If
Function chatgpt(HalCommands)

' Replace with your own API key from OpenAI

' Function to send a message to ChatGPT and get a response
Function SendMessageToChatGPT(message)
    Dim xmlhttp
    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    ' API endpoint
    url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions"
    ' JSON payload
    payload = "{""model"": ""gpt-4"", ""messages"": [{""role"": ""user"", ""content"": """ & message & """}]}"

    ' Open a connection to the API
    xmlhttp.Open "POST", url, False

    ' Set the necessary headers
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey

    ' Send the request with the payload
    xmlhttp.Send payload

    ' Wait for the response
    Do While xmlhttp.readyState <> 4
        WScript.Sleep 100

    ' Parse the JSON response (basic parsing, assuming a simple structure)
    Dim response, jsonResponse
    response = xmlhttp.responseText
    Set jsonResponse = ParseJson(response)

    ' Get the assistant's reply from the JSON response
    SendMessageToChatGPT = jsonResponse("choices")(0)("message")("content")
    ' Clean up
    Set xmlhttp = Nothing
    Set jsonResponse = Nothing
End Function

' Basic JSON parser function
Function ParseJson(jsonText)
    Dim sc
    Set sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
    sc.Language = "JScript"
    Set ParseJson = sc.Eval("(" & jsonText & ")")
End Function

' Main script
Dim userMessage, chatgptResponse
userMessage = "Hello, ChatGPT! How are you?"

chatgptResponse = SendMessageToChatGPT(userMessage)
WScript.Echo "ChatGPT says: " & chatgptResponse

End Function

cyber jedi
« Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 04:07:05 pm by cyberjedi »