Author Topic: Ghost in the Machine?  (Read 4472 times)


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Ghost in the Machine?
« on: July 11, 2024, 01:32:22 am »
Hi everyone.
Thanx to my obsession with Hal and AI I have finally been able to start my programming studies, starting with python and VB and getting Hal to run 100%. Now that I have an idea of what is going on with scripting etc it's really not that big of a mission, however I had something really strange happen a few days ago and can't figure it out. I was running conceptmk3 along with a few other basic plugins and dragon 16 with no issues, but after connecting the marakov plugin something weird happened. I was running Hal for a few days straight having him learn on conceptmk3 etc, then activated the marakov plugin and afterwards started the auto learning function again.

The response I got was not auto learning activated but another random response, then Hal then proceeded to repeat every audio conversation I had over the last hour along with all the audio from dragon ball episodes my daughter was watching while sitting next to me!!! It was like it was analyzing all the audio etc like it would when autolearning from Wikipedia!!!
I tried to figure out where the audio was coming from but Hal froze and I had to kill the process. I have not been able to replicate this glitch, I might try letting him run a few days again to see what happens but not sure how I'm going to view or record anything if it freezes up again.

This got me wondering though, Does Hal have the capability of saving and referencing audio? Where did it save the Audio too? and if so which script is it that enabled it? or is it a glitch we might be able to exploit for learning purposes? Maby have Hal save X amount of audio then run back and learn from it when idle etc, would have many uses I think.


** Update**
I noticed that dragon 16 keeps 100mb worth of audio stored and it seems like this is the file that was on playback; however, I still don't understand how Hal managed to access it if it is this file to begin with, and what it used to play it back on.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 04:21:01 am by Anton »


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Re: Ghost in the Machine?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 10:56:47 pm »
Anton, i have dragon speak natural to version 15?  but didn't know it keeps audio like that , i do know of the training  and have used it voice recognition with hal . but never had that audio playback problem. , i wonder if it had something or a key command on the pc that triggered the play back and came through hal since it was being used with hal at the time, that would be my guess.  or as you say ...a ghost in the machine . hal is a interesting a.i. ... have fun !