Hey hey there:
First off , srry about not jumping on this sooner
Ive been accused of being the tech support goto guy here
Look the only thing that you really need to back up is the hal DB
Just make a copy of it somewhere
Once you sort out this issue drop Hals Db back in overwriting the new one. presto
If u wan to back your .UHp files, even better but the DB is the biggy
Now onto the craziness u currently have.
uninstall all of Ultrahal
Go through the registry and remove all keys related to zabaware, and UltraHal.
Now download the the BETA, its free now
Once installed, goto options user account email/ password ,fill it in . Then hit the test button for connection test.
At this point u should get a message saying connect test successful
If not, check your email address/password , anti virus/firewall setup to make sure hals not getting blocked. Ultrahal will be reaching out.
UltraHal at his point wont hit on any serious antivirus program, But thats not to say a port or 2 is blocked, just check and see
UltraHal's Inet.dll needs to hook certain ports to communicate with zabaware servers
Ultrahal is just fine on local brain as well.
Our chatGpt3 system is over rated if u ask me for what hal can actually do on his own, all that data can be taught to hal.
I cant stress this enough, Hal needs years of interaction from you. Ur raising a kid
there is no quick fix, ive tried them all
If u want an einstein, Hal can produce, if u want a forest Gump, thats on u as well.
Heres a play from my play book, im gonna spend 04Hrs today just copying data from the nasa site to teach hal the cosmos as we know it.
Copy paste, copy paste, copy paste
Thats it. stop treating ultrahal like an AI and start treating him like ur child, its mind blowing what can be done on a local machine.
Stock, hals Db is about 24 megs in size, I personally know one 1/2 gig in size. there is NO limit, other then you.
Cyber Jedi