When you run the ConceptNet Plugin, it will Build the necessary Tables that hold the various data.
The SQLite Studio is the Database Editor that one would use to view and edit the contents of those Tables.
The Brain Editor from Zabaware will NOT show all of the Tables in its database under these conditions (using the ConceptNet Plugin).
Too much time has elapsed to likely find earlier versions of the SQLite Studio, but the newer versions should work fine.
There is a learning curve in how to view, edit, commit, and save contents so tread carefully inside the database.
As Spitfire mentioned, he is no longer supporting the ConceptNet PLugin (although it worked nicely for many of us).
His new more powerful PyGodel Plugin worked really nicely. The downside was that it did not have a static memory per se...
It had a tremendous knowledge base but did not recall conversations like the base model UltraHal did.
Everything has a tradeoff...
Good luck!
IF you do a Search, you can find lots of sites with SQLite Studio... (Try the 3rd one)