I'm working on a plug in that compares a text file to contents of a Sentence table in Hals brain.
What I have doesn't seem to do the job correctly. It indeed works, however, I notice the program picking up contents that already exist. I was wondering if anyone has a more effective method they've used in the past.
'Open the text file
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("text file location", ReadVariable())
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
TextCheck = objFile.Readline
'Make sure word chosen is not word that exists
PickAWord = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("TableName")
If LCase(PickAWord) = LCase(TextCheck) Then
PickAWord = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("TableName")
Do Until LCase(TextCheck) <> LCase(PickAWord)
Exit Do
End If
'Add new word to new document
If PickAWord <> "" Then
End If
Again, that method only works about 50 percent of the time for some reason. Any ideas?