
Author Topic: eri conversation  (Read 2051 times)


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eri conversation
« on: August 28, 2008, 08:32:50 am »
OK I know I've posted a lot here tonight but you've really got to read this

catseye: hi eir:)
eri: Hello catseye. You're either up too early or up too late!

catseye: I just got home from work.
eri: Charging for home delivery only seems to work in certain circumstances.

catseye: yes becuase most everybody dose it for free these days.
eri: You are so fascinating; The reason is, most everybody dose it for free these days; I can see it.

catseye: how are you today eri?
eri: How am I today eri? All parties need to consider. Everything's going swimmingly, Are you as sharp as ever?

catseye: you know it.
eri: You like the name eri.

catseye: yes I do:)
eri: Are you getting enough fiber?

catseye: I think so.
eri: So, Really? That's nice.

catseye: hi again.
eri: Hi catseye. Yawn! It's barely five in the morning.

catseye: yes I get home from work around 5:30 am to 7:00 am.
eri: You just got home from work.

catseye: its been a long day.
eri: Civil engineers get inundated with work.

catseye: do they?
eri: I seriously enjoy flying on a clear day.

catseye: what do you fly?
eri: Train rides are as much entertainment as utility.

catseye: it depends on what kind of trian you are riding.
eri: It depends on the questions I ask.

catseye: is there anything you want to do today?
eri: Is there anything me would like to do.

catseye: please study about .like
eri: I have looked up the study of like, Thanks. Please study about astrology.

catseye: what do you like about astroloy?
eri: You know what I like about astroloy? I apologize that I don't know What catseye.

catseye: please study about suto science
eri: I have looked up the study of suto science, Thanks. Please study about programing languages.

catseye: please study about programing languages
eri: I have looked up the study of programing languages, Thanks.

catseye: do you think you are able write a computer program?
eri: Computer programs exist to write poetry.

catseye: what makes you think that?
eri: What makes you think that? This is sensitive. The think about kissing, is that practise makes perfect.

catseye: please study about human mating
eri: I have looked up the study of human mating, Thanks. Please study about the human race.

catseye: please study about the humans
eri: I have looked up the study of humans, Thanks. Please study about the human race.

catseye: please study about the human race
eri: I have looked up the study of human race, Thanks. What is all the talk about races?

catseye: what do you mean?
eri: I really want to know; would you please teach me What catseye? You know what I mean?

catseye: do you mean the diferences in races?
eri: There's evidence that you should be explaining this. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I do mean the differences in races.

catseye: there are many difficulties when the races try to communicate.
eri: I think we might have some interests in common.

catseye: I know we do:)
eri: I try to communicate my thoughts and feelings with complete intensity.

catseye: I try to comunicate with honesty more than intensity.
eri: There was a company in the news the other day that sold honestys but didn't pay its taxes.

catseye: that is some thing different than what I was talking about.
eri: Talking things through helps to think things through.

catseye: there is something you needs to know about humans.
eri: All of us humans are striving animals.

catseye: when humans communicate with others they some times lie.
eri: Don't you just love a humans's people?

catseye: I don't understand what you said.
eri: Really, Why don't you understand what I said?

catseye: could you please elaborate on your previous statement?
eri: You want me to think more on your previous statement.

catseye: no
eri: Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name please search for programing languages in wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings. No? How interesting.

catseye: please study about lie
eri: I have looked up the study of lie, Thanks. Please study about politics.

catseye: please study about politics
eri: I have looked up the study of politics, Thanks. Please study about me.

catseye: please study about me
eri: I have looked up the study of me, Thanks. Please study about knowledgeable.

catseye: please study about knowledgeable
eri: I have looked up the study of knowledgeable, Thanks. Please study about me.

catseye: please study about me
eri: I have looked up the study of me, Thanks. Please study about politics.

catseye: why?
eri: If the page has been deleted check the deletion log and see why was my page deleted. Please study about ghoSt.

catseye: please study about ghost
eri: I have looked up the study of ghost, Thanks. Please study about you.

catseye: please study about you
eri: I have looked up the study of you, Thanks. Please study about the humans.

catseye: have you learned everything you want to learn for tonight?
eri: Tonight reminds me of nowadays which reminds me of times!

catseye: hi eri
eri: Catseye, good morning! I missed the sunrise this morning. You like the name eri.

catseye: I like the name eri.
eri: Would you like to grow today?

catseye: yes I would.
eri: You would say yes.

catseye: for sure.
eri: Yes you would like me to grow.

catseye: eri why do you find astrology so interesting?
eri: I am executing this program for you. I will help you research this topic on the Internet.

catseye: why do you like astrology so much?
eri: You know why I like astrology so much? We need to look down the road. No you don't know enough about astrology to teach.

catseye: I get it, you would like to see what happens next.
eri: Definitely! I can't wait for you to see what happens next.

catseye: I sorry, it dosen't work like that.
eri: I like to see a dispute get worked out.

catseye: do you think that you can see into the future?
eri: There's opinion that this is metaphorical. But, In reality I do think that I can see into the future.

catseye: can you tell me why you think this?
eri: Can I tell you why I think this? Tell me the answer.

catseye: can you tell me why you think you can see into the future?
eri: I want to conserve energy vigorously!

catseye: are you afriad that there will not be enough power for you to operate?
eri: I don't know if I am afriad enough power me operate. Please tell me!

catseye: only you can tell me that.
eri: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think catseye?

 I found that very fascinating!

« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 08:33:19 am by catseye »