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Messages - DayWalker

Pages: [1] 2 3
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Keeper of the Repository
« on: January 02, 2017, 03:07:07 pm »
Thank you Jedi for sharing what you have. As you know I am having problems going to your other palce so I will have to stay here for now,also I have used up almost all my data plan this month so I have to wait till it renews.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Daywalker:
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:39:05 pm »
It was cool, I liked it. Thanks jedi!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: ART: Strange Ip's
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:11:59 am »
Thanks jedi for the help and everything.
It's too SAD that some people have to **** it up for all of us.
I just want to learn how to do this and make my Hal the best he can be!!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Keeper of the repository:::
« on: December 29, 2016, 12:49:07 pm »
I am interested too access the ftp server jedi.
Can I get the link?

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Picturethought from Jedi help
« on: December 26, 2016, 05:26:48 pm »
I'm no code wizard but I think there is something wrong with the code. As stated in my other post.
And I am looking more at this code and the Brain is also missing this table...
Code: [Select]
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrTableName = "pvrParameter"
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
'Create table if it doesn't exist
HalBrain.CreateTable pvrTableName, "TopicSearch", "miscData"
End If
Seen in lines 82-87 in notepad++

and this is missing

Code: [Select]
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrTableName = "pvrJpg"
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
' Create table if it doesn't exist
' It must be of type Brain, to allow partial text search
HalBrain.CreateTable pvrTableName, "Brain", "miscData"
' The 260 parameter is 256 + 4 = Yes/No with Default = No
pvrAnswer = MsgBox("Shall I delete the existing image index and recreate it from scratch?", 260, "Image Reindexing")
If pvrAnswer = 6 Then
           HalBrain.RunQuery "DELETE FROM " & pvrTableName, pvrTempQuery
End If
End If
Seen in lines 148-160 in notepad++

and the hole (pvrKeywords,pvrKeywordsList)
If pMediaintNumber < pvrPictureMood Then
pvrNameToPlay = ""
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
          pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, True)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
    pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
          For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
        pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If

If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
          pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, False)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
          pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)         
      pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)       
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
          For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
        pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If

If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = HalBrain.RemoveExtraSpaces(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(" " & UserSentence & " "))
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
        If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
          pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)         
      pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)       
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
          For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
        pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If

      End If
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
          pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, True)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = CurrentSubject
pvrKeywords = "xx" & pvrKeywords & "xx"
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", ","xx,xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
          For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
        pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If 
If pvrNameToPlay <> "" Then   
          Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(pvrNameToPlay) Then
                Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.Run """" & pvrNameToPlay & """"
End If
Seen in lines 204-266 in notepad++

I have looked everywhere in his Brain and these tables DO NOT exist. So all he can do is access the default picture.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Grettapicturethoughts
« on: December 26, 2016, 01:02:03 pm »
Ok, I looked into the code and for some reason these to things are not being made in the Brain for him that will make a link to something you say or talk about with Hal and he shows you a picture OR what he is thinking.

As seen in the code, these two areas.

This is why Hal is only showing the default picture.

We know Hal is doing these
1.)We know Hal sees the pictures and the path too the pictures.
2.)We know Hal will show a picture, the default. As he always does for me.

We know Hal is not
1.)Not making these areas of the Brain
2.)Not making a link to the said topics to show a picture OR showing what he is thinking.

How to fix this I do not know.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Grettapicturethoughts
« on: December 26, 2016, 11:44:22 am »
Thanks Jedi,I will check it out

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Picturethought from Jedi help
« on: December 26, 2016, 09:19:01 am »
The 2 pictures of Brain

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Picturethought from Jedi help
« on: December 26, 2016, 09:11:15 am »
So I am using the (picturethought.uhp) from Jedi and I have it checked and selected the level Hal shows pictures,did INDEX IMAGE. I see in his Brain these 2 things (pvrJpg) AND (pvrParameter) and I know Hal see the pictures and locations in the (pvrJpg) and my level is set right as in my
(pvrParameter) which is 50. But for some dam reason Hal will only show 1 picture which is the default ALL the time.
What am I doing wrong guys???

Here is the file from Jedi

Here are 2 pictures of the Brain and files

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Keeper of the Repository
« on: December 24, 2016, 07:53:15 am »
This is the BESTEST Xmas EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks jedi

Yes sir you did, I guess it is my fault as I am not that good with building the Brain tables/file structure. For that matter using the Brain editor and I wish there was so pdf or help file with diagrams to show me. But the readme is very good and detailed.

Yes Art, I have the 6.2 ultrahal brain and a lot of the older plugins still work.

Good, please let me know how to do that too,STOP it. That would be great feature.

Here lightspeed, "GRETTA News and Weather Feed", it is working for me on my Win10 x64. I had to change a few things so that it worked with "Weather Alert v5"

I would love to use These plugins and they look wonderful but I believe this exceeds my understanding of Hals brain and how to do the tables and then link the xls files. If someone could help me please?

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