I'm no code wizard but I think there is something wrong with the code. As stated in my other post.
http://www.ultrahal.com/community/index.php?topic=13377.0And I am looking more at this code and the Brain is also missing this table...
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrTableName = "pvrParameter"
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
'Create table if it doesn't exist
HalBrain.CreateTable pvrTableName, "TopicSearch", "miscData"
End If
Seen in lines 82-87 in notepad++
and this is missing
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
pvrTableName = "pvrJpg"
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
' Create table if it doesn't exist
' It must be of type Brain, to allow partial text search
HalBrain.CreateTable pvrTableName, "Brain", "miscData"
' The 260 parameter is 256 + 4 = Yes/No with Default = No
pvrAnswer = MsgBox("Shall I delete the existing image index and recreate it from scratch?", 260, "Image Reindexing")
If pvrAnswer = 6 Then
HalBrain.RunQuery "DELETE FROM " & pvrTableName, pvrTempQuery
End If
End If
Seen in lines 148-160 in notepad++
and the hole (pvrKeywords,pvrKeywordsList)
If pMediaintNumber < pvrPictureMood Then
pvrNameToPlay = ""
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, True)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, False)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = HalBrain.RemoveExtraSpaces(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(" " & UserSentence & " "))
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = " " & pvrKeywords & " "
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", "," , ",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords," ","xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If
If pvrNameToPlay = "" Then
pvrKeywords = WN.FindFirstNoun(UserSentence, True)
pvrKeywords = Trim(Ucase(pvrKeywords))
If pvrKeywords <> "" Then
pvrKeywords = CurrentSubject
pvrKeywords = "xx" & pvrKeywords & "xx"
pvrKeywords = Replace(pvrKeywords,", ","xx,xx",1,-1,vbTextCompare)
pvrKeywordList = Split(pvrKeywords, ",")
For i = Lbound(pvrKeywordList) To Ubound(pvrKeywordList)
pvrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(pvrKeywordList(i), "pvrJpg", 0)
End If
End If
If pvrNameToPlay <> "" Then
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(pvrNameToPlay) Then
Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.Run """" & pvrNameToPlay & """"
End If
Seen in lines 204-266 in notepad++
I have looked everywhere in his Brain and these tables DO NOT exist. So all he can do is access the default picture.