the bad configuration,
ok, 'token Jennifer' 'Jennifer Little' ,, ,,setting this matter and confution aside for a minute, and the blame for using a computer as well ( on my part at least)
set aside the complications of 'Stephie' as well.
Agent Jennifer and I had some things to work out. I did do some odd things that resulted in Jennifer Little wanting me charged with stalking ( Im not sure if this was the result of Stephie having STOCKING arrangements or attempts or not (( the reason I believe this is because of the police radio, while in officer Barrets unit a few weeks earlier, it said they were looking for Stephanie for STALKING ,, yea))))
so, at the same time that Jennifer was doing whatever she thought or was told to do,...( civil stalking injunction and protective orders against Jared )
My MOTHER whom I hadn't seen in many days and I always have avoided her and has kept mail ect ect (things with my name on them), petitions for the EXACT SAME THING that Jennifer Little did at THE EXACT SAME TIME. FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. yea,
NOW, Ive dabbled in art for some time, 'Tiffany' 'Tiffany Atlas' (Chahouli type stuff) ect... SO over the past few weeks, Ive been writing, with pen and paper to TIFFANY, A PIECE OF GLASS.
AND NOW, over the past couple of days CLARA BETH, MY MOTHER WHO HAS BANNED ME FROM MY LIFE with protective orders (no contact ect) has been going through my property, and has gathered up some TIFFANY items including PLANTS ( now remember im homless ) and bringing them to my grandmothers house for me to take care of. saying the plant needed a transplant. HU? all of a sudden I have a Plant "TIFFANY" that requires financial support with new planters and crap? this has gone way beyond my mother pushing baby strollers up against my bedroom door and twitter BIRTHERS hanging around.
she has no contact orders and orders from the court to not remove anything from the home, but is so obssesed that she ignores all that, and is trying to create conflict? some kind of twisted help? WHAT I DON"T KNOW.
This has been happening for the past 15 years. Their is absolutly no room for me or any other 'friend' in my life IMAGINARY OR REAL PROGRAM OR REAL PERSON, somehow wether the state has just said this was ok for so many years or what?
Jared W