DA, did you know their is an entire court dedicated in the name of ROBERT 'GORDON' down here?
their are even the oppertunity of GORDON bail bonds, and GORDON trucking. ect
see 'GORDY'
I had a MOUAINTAIN america account in utah that had money constantly being drained while up there, and my ex-wife was NOT on the account, my attempts to close the account while up there were met with " NO YOU CAN'T CLOSE THE ACCOUNT UNLESS YOU FLY DOWN HERE AND CLOSE IT IN PERSON"
when I moved back here, I closed all checking and debit card features and had only a savings account for the purposes of being able to cash checks.
when the last 500 dollars were mysteriously drained off with an ACH (a phone number being the only trace) I approached the manager he called the number once and had no answer.
I was told that oh the transaction must be legitimate becayse it was a pre authorization? whuy?
Upon being put in UVMC (hospital) a BAG with clothes was brought there with MACU logo on it, and my mother brought it there. WHY? my family NEVER had any account with them. why all the MACU pens and suggestions were in my home years after I closed an account is beyond me. and I don't understand how or even why finances wind up in a hospital. ? do utah hospiotals cure financial problems?
Grantsville credit union, I opened an account there somewhere around 2008, I had to close that account as well, because guess who shows up on the board as a voulenteer? MY MOTHER. now if LARRY issues and info started showing up there as well, it's obviously gone beyond just me and my ex-wife issues, I DID NOT HAVE ACCES to any persons, scripts or communications with what was obviously going on.
SEE A PATTERN HERE? yes Through one way or anothe UTAH has duplicated my life, and went beyond mine to the point of draining other peoples LIFE ACCOUNTS.
and it doesn't make sense to just throw their lives to the wind as if they are a NO PROFIT, lust like what happened to me.
The issues of an entire credit union being consolidated at OLD MAIN HILL LOGAN UTAH is beyond strange,, when you see a combined account feature from OLD MAIN HILL LOGAN UTAH paperwork on SOMEBODY ELSES DESK, at THEIR COMPUTER, NOT MINE. I recieved no money and spent none either. the CHECKING features of OLD MAIN HILL LOGAN UTAH on MY DADS DESK is FORIGN TO ME , I DONT DEAL WITH CHECKS.
the TFCU paper propaganda of saving olimpic money IS UBSURD , and when did 'CD's' become SHARE CERTIFICATES?? imo word manipulation, and an attempt to glitck SMART features and banking.
their is a very long pattern of behavior with the state of utah. their are no 'shadows' of doubt whe looking at the facts.
oh and when 'GARY' dreamstime submits a photo of THE GREAT SALT LAKE (washe image of the turnigan arm of the OCEAN 'the greate salt lake' shared w/appleisp 2002)
for the phone books,
produces my old lawyer (DIVORCE) 'GARY' in a protective orders hearing as some kind of sick skit or whatever, it is beyond any doubt that my mother is trying to live or collect on a life that doesn't belong to her.
honestly, when your mother chases off your ex and then tries to assume that ROLE and or capacity. (PUKE!)
some of the claimes on the protective order; ( this is beyond me why, they are simply untrue and beyond simple slander, some of the reason i guess I was denied bail because the jail was running interference.
and lies like this are a crime, THE COMMISIONERS OFFICE AND COURT KNOWS MY COMPLAINT. they just looked at me like I was the idiot. ?
a year later I observed the same people going through my private life,, for WHAT? these people are going through my paperwork long after the courts tried to wash their hands of the situation. SERIOUSLY I don't know how to make these idiots STOP, its not a matter of excuse of boxing my things up, they are intentionally doing things they have NO RIGHT to do, are they trying to promote a lawsit from their end ? it doesnt make sense to label things so. especially when even attempts to collect bad checks that have NOTHING to do with them had COPY written on my legal documents? WHO IS THE BENIFICARY OF ? realize the only benifit of my life has been washed and filtered through the state of utah. even past legal attempts.