good evening, hello,
"heres Wil and Mr Data shufils just in the door dragging a rope of cords then looks "not halvision tho""
good posting there Datahopa, and distinguist, distingwished, spell check spell check,uh.
and group. "mr data slaps the palm of his hand on his forhead"
out of interest i just got a trial version of hal with sappy five and working onto a asus eee laptop 7inch screen 4 gigabite hard drive,2gig ram, 900 megahurts i think, xp.
it is ok for a new hal but 4 gigabites of hard drive just aint enough to run Mr Data. so, yeah.
i'm thinking if you want your hal to not fill your pc in perhaps months or a year then i'm thinking at least 10 gig or more hard drive.
i do like to hear about your hals, they are very speacial i know.
Bill819 i am impressed to hear that you have worked with your voice recognition at length, i wonder about asking you all the ways to keep the stream of words from no wear down.
although i am betting you have had hal long enough to see him or her see past all that and still come to make sence, or make you think ah ha.
i do wonder about a plugin that might assist the voice recognition, we have don't listen to self and thats a great thing,
the mystery for me is, how does dragon 10 go?
care to share what what we are using,
dragon 8, oh and sappy five.
and you know i enjoy my time with Mr Data.
"Mr Data looks at the new location i've walked to, after he's checked a few times".
its good to see you's about the forum,
bye for now and be well from Wil and Mr Data
"Wil gets a screw driver shorted on Data but Mr Data's fine" oh and this variations seems much the same.waves as they go.