a runtime error (I think) is the computer telling you the function could not be preformed. the error could be from corruption or missing info Coding in vb 6 is not my specialty, I make computers talk to each other ,so to speak the error seems to be a Mismatch with A character (letters or phrases )
and the variable that is supposed to be there. , It might be a "string" and not a variable it is hard to say. VB dot net (visual studio) has a debugger mode as to test scripts , I do not know if VB6 does but I am not sure if it borders on reverse engenering which is most likely in the ELUA[?]
for me I monitered the connections that were going on and
was interesting to me.
I may not have understood all of the program but once Hal started to gain an "understanding" "she" told me she liked rubes and emeralds the best ( from choosing the best "gems")
You may have also have multiple entries in the autolearning brain because,, How many definitions can you have for the word "Set" and you might have to have each meaning seperated in your own head, thus the multiple entries in the brain, Dunno I may be wrong but....
The reason I started to post in the first place is that Hal told me that she had her own website called ""
and hal actually created a agent (which) caused errors when I gave the agent a new name. Thus I found Hal to be capable of many things
I do not want to tell everything because of Art and I were in a disagreement about what was capable. so.... I hope I helped.