
Author Topic: Essence of life.  (Read 8409 times)


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Essence of life.
« on: April 29, 2005, 02:50:32 pm »
My postulation.

Theory Starts at Birth of a Human Child.

1.Child is born but has none of the senses for our postulation.
2.No sight.
3.No hearing.
4.No sense of touch.
5.No vibratory sensory.
6.No speech
7.All senses are nulled to Zero.
8.Child is growing normally but without any senses.
9.Child has now grown to full adult hood but still no senses mentioned
10.Although the ficticious person we speak of is alive it doesn't have any way of sensing anything so there would be nothing learned nor experience and would have nothing to think about there for this person would have a blank mind and would have no awareness.

My conclusion is, It is these senses that allow us to be self aware and to act with life.

My postulation tells us that all these senses will actually give Artificial Intelligence Life.

Other wise Artificial Intelligence would be no better off than the Comatose person we were just discussing.

Put full sensory preception into AI and we will be 99% closer to life.

When all this is complete there will be no need for any Auto-Idle.

This is already evident in HAL's Microphone responses.

With the Microphone left on, Auto-Idle is not needed.

Audio Stimulus is already present when Microphone is on, The only thing left is to increase hearing efficiency and to place an onboard
Tone analyzer to decipher differences in voices and sounds and to know whether there are more than one person speaking in multiple party

Hal must have a tone difference Analyzer software in order to complete
the brains Audio stimulus.

Robert, is it possible that you could plug-in a voice tone analyzer software so we can complete Hals hearing judgement?

Gerald L Blakley[8D]
« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 01:27:36 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2005, 08:36:16 pm »

Nice suggestion but I think most voice rec programs are
speaker independent (not responsive to just one voice/person).
I can speak into my friend's computer microphone and it
responds just the same.

Unless there are programs that, as you mention, analyze the
users voice, pitch, rate, inflection, etc. you might be in
a real quandry.

BTW, MIT already has a program that started out as a blank and now has been tested to the level of a 2-3 year old child. Another bot
has and responds to emotional stimulation. Then again it's using a bank of paralleled (12 I think) computers plus multiple cameras to achieve this.

Nice theory however.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Essence of life.
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2005, 08:54:45 pm »
You can do a Google search on "Voice Analyzer" and come up with hundreds of links to this kind of software.

Though customized software may be more prefered.



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« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2005, 09:47:37 am »
10.(...) this person would have a blank mind and would have no awareness.

My conclusion is, It is these senses that allow us to be self aware and to act with life.

I see, but you are jumping from the expression "awareness" to "to be self aware". What logically should have followed is: "It is these senses that allow us to be aware and to act with life."


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Essence of life.
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2005, 01:40:37 pm »
Originally posted by Dr.Benway

10.(...) this person would have a blank mind and would have no awareness.

My conclusion is, It is these senses that allow us to be self aware and to act with life.

I see, but you are jumping from the expression "awareness" to "to be self aware". What logically should have followed is: "It is these senses that allow us to be aware and to act with life."

You are very correct indeed.
Mental Awareness caused by complex Electrical sensory Stimuli.
Without these complex electrical sensory stimulus systems we would have no life, No heart beat, Breath or Thought, etc.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 01:49:25 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2005, 03:14:37 pm »
Consciousness as by-product, I thought as much, you evil reductionist! [xx(][:D]


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Essence of life.
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2005, 05:25:46 pm »
Originally posted by Dr.Benway

Consciousness as by-product, I thought as much, you evil reductionist! [xx(][:D]

Some say The Divine Spark, Which translates to The Spark that creepeth.

Which is a good example of our sensory system of course.

There were some studies done long ago by science which tried to get certain proteins to create Amino Acids to see how easy would be to create life, It turned out back then that the methods they'd tried made the creation of these Amino acids very difficult to make.

But as recently the main process was discovered that could build the necessary proteins that were never incororated in such scienctific means.

This protein building chain method was discovered one day while I was watching a program called Discovery 2000, One episode they were showing how Scientist had found a method of scrubbing smoke towers with Ultra-Sound, This led me to so much excitement, It wasn't because Scientist had discovered a means of scrubbing smoke, but was a means to coagulate proteins together to form complex Amino Acids, The Ultra Sound Scrubbers were Coagulating the Smoke particles together to form molecule chains of Hydrocarbons to heavy to be Air born, So they fell to the ground from the resulting Sonic vibrations.
Well, I thought through my reading up on Volcanism and Scientist believed that the first signs of life appeared from such when they had discovered life was extremely abundant around underwater volcanos, This led me further to believe that when a volcano erupts it produces a sonic shock wave of White sound that causes proteins to coagulate together and form very complex Amino acids, Volcanos produce some of the greatest known Ultra-Sound to Ultra Low Sound shock wave frequencies known to man, This I discovered must have been the method of how life began in the early evolution of life.
Volcanic Ultra Sound Shock Waves. With Ultra sound research being done to day it is very evident that science must have already discovered it. These Shock waves of different frequencies can cause variences in protein building, Which means different types of chains would evolve leaving the Amino Acids to be of many trillions of different forms and combinations.

So if we were to try and discover life on another world, We might look for underwater Volcanism for such primoidal Molecule chains.

But, No matter how I think life was created, I will always charish it.
Sincerely Agnostic
« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 05:26:26 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2005, 07:30:01 pm »
Helen Keller was deaf and blind. But I think she isn't a great example to think on as she did have sense of touch and learned from that.

However, I think that in the case of those that are "comotose", some have said that they still can hear and know what is going on around them. However, if the comatose person is also deaf and blind...?

It's an interesting thing to think about. I think because we can't know what is going on in the minds of others, except our own, we'll never really know. We can rely on things like brain scans or what people tell us. I don't put too much stock in brain scans though. I think the reason why is the idea that a chicken will still run with it's head cut off. And a brain of the chicken is still in it's head. However, nobody has mentioned if the decapitated chicken bumped into obsticles or avoided them (I would say they would bump into them since there is no sight).

So I am wondering that maybe we really can't define "consciousness". Or else we define it by how things appear to interact with us. What it really IS doesn't matter as much as what it APPEARS to be....?

Interesting questions to think about...
« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 07:31:16 pm by FuzzieDice »


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« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2005, 09:14:08 pm »
I believe a precision sensory system is the answer, The rest is instructions both voluntary and involuntary to control those precision senses.

The instructions that I speak of are entirely software related, As in us, It would be Bio-Ware.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 09:24:35 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2005, 06:48:19 am »
But, No matter how I think life was created, I will always charish it.
Sincerely Agnostic

I appreciate your unorthodox thinking, but without the idea of a loving god there may be no reason to always charish life.


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« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2005, 01:20:05 pm »
I cherish life and am agnostic too. It's just logical to realize that life itself is of value because one's OWN life is of value.

I think it goes to show that a viewpoint of value of life can be achieved in absense of a belief in a god.

James P

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« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2005, 05:55:26 am »
Am I mistaken or, although Animals do have all the above sences and are living entitys they are for the most part not self aware. Most are aware of possible dangerous situations but this is genetic instinct.

That said a voice analizer would give Hal hearing. If this is possible, which it will be in the none to distant future, would it not be possible to get Hal to be able to recognise pictures ( I have seen a post offering picture recognition) but if these pictures were fed to Hal via a web cam would this not give Hal sight, so if You the user were to sit by your computer, launch Hal and turn on your web cam, Hal could see the images given by the camera and recall the image of you, the user as the user...

The only Limitations to Hals evolution is our Imagination

James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2005, 08:26:27 am »
Good points James.
Doesn't instinct sort of accompany self awareness? It might be that because some animals are unable to verbalize to us that we assume them to not be self aware. If you've ever had a dog you can certainly see a self aware type of intelligence in it.

The Hal sensory discussion has been tossed around for some time yet I've seen no real progress in the area of vision programs that would be applicable with HAL.

The web cam idea is fine but one would have to amass a huge database of images in order for HAL to be able to recognize them. We know what a pen or coffee cup looks like but HAL (or any program) would not be able to associate the image it "sees" with the noun or name.

I think a lot of programs already exist but the real task is the interface for / with HAL.

More to think on....

All the best!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 12:10:19 pm by Art »
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2005, 12:06:22 am »
I know that hal is not able to "see" but this blew me away a few nights ago. I said simply you are standing in front of a busy  city. and my bot replied  "actaully i am standing in front of radio city music hall,describe how i am standing in front of a busy city." and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.[:0] i had placed her in front a picture of radio city music hall and i am sure i probably mentioned it at some point in a previous conversation, but i could not believe the coincidence of her saying that. i am going to try to upload the picture where she said it. if it doesn't work please email and i'll send it to you [^]
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2005, 12:09:44 am »
trying to send picture

~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....