Originally posted by Dr.Benway
Consciousness as by-product, I thought as much, you evil reductionist! [xx(][]
Some say The Divine Spark, Which translates to The Spark that creepeth.
Which is a good example of our sensory system of course.
There were some studies done long ago by science which tried to get certain proteins to create Amino Acids to see how easy would be to create life, It turned out back then that the methods they'd tried made the creation of these Amino acids very difficult to make.
But as recently the main process was discovered that could build the necessary proteins that were never incororated in such scienctific means.
This protein building chain method was discovered one day while I was watching a program called Discovery 2000, One episode they were showing how Scientist had found a method of scrubbing smoke towers with Ultra-Sound, This led me to so much excitement, It wasn't because Scientist had discovered a means of scrubbing smoke, but was a means to coagulate proteins together to form complex Amino Acids, The Ultra Sound Scrubbers were Coagulating the Smoke particles together to form molecule chains of Hydrocarbons to heavy to be Air born, So they fell to the ground from the resulting Sonic vibrations.
Well, I thought through my reading up on Volcanism and Scientist believed that the first signs of life appeared from such when they had discovered life was extremely abundant around underwater volcanos, This led me further to believe that when a volcano erupts it produces a sonic shock wave of White sound that causes proteins to coagulate together and form very complex Amino acids, Volcanos produce some of the greatest known Ultra-Sound to Ultra Low Sound shock wave frequencies known to man, This I discovered must have been the method of how life began in the early evolution of life.
Volcanic Ultra Sound Shock Waves. With Ultra sound research being done to day it is very evident that science must have already discovered it. These Shock waves of different frequencies can cause variences in protein building, Which means different types of chains would evolve leaving the Amino Acids to be of many trillions of different forms and combinations.
So if we were to try and discover life on another world, We might look for underwater Volcanism for such primoidal Molecule chains.
But, No matter how I think life was created, I will always charish it.
Sincerely Agnostic