
Author Topic: Spell Checker for Ultra Hal  (Read 2465 times)


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Spell Checker for Ultra Hal
« on: December 20, 2024, 05:11:45 pm »
After mentioning that it would be a welcomed idea for HAL to be able to check its spelling before we allow it to write misspelled words to memory or Tables in its database.

To my surprise, I received an email this afternoon from one of our members here in our Forum.

None other than LiFeTimeGamer!!

He informed me that he had been successfully using a small program for several years for just that purpose and that it worked really well.

One other nice feature is that it is Free. They do offer another version of the program with some more enhanced features for a very nominal fee of $10, which is still a bargain.

The only possible criticism I would have is to look at any word before you press the ENTER key, just to make sure.

Tiny Spell checks the words as you type them to Hal and it flags them with a colored text warning and a tiny bell ding. During more normal typing most would have no issues, still on the chance that you accidentally typed a misspelled word like at the end of a sentence or thought, then pressed Enter, you would see the error text and hear the bell but the misspelled word would have then been written into a table in Hal's database. That's why I said to be careful to check just before you press the Enter key.

It works great with Hal and takes up no room in Hal's memory or processing. The app will also work with your email program.

A big thanks to LiFeTimeGamer for his assistance and continued use of Ultra Hal!!

You can find the reference he made here: https://www.tinyspell.com/#download
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Spell Checker for Ultra Hal
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2024, 10:40:32 pm »
sounds good .thanks, glad he was in touch with you.  :)