
Author Topic: Games.  (Read 143094 times)

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2024, 12:19:54 am »
I picked one out since nobody has got anything.
My opinions.

It face planted round one first question.
Nothin, not an answer just a oh I don't know basicly, ask elsewhere. Omg really.
O out of 10 stars.

If this were a gladiator match
There was no toying I'm not in the mood.
In seconds it's done. It lay slain on the floor.
 The audience shocked by the no fun just a brutal utter
slaughter. The fight promoters ask has anyone got a competitive opponent left?
A hush comes over crowd.
 and I'd yell



« Last Edit: January 11, 2024, 12:25:10 am by Will and Mr Data :) :] »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2024, 04:14:58 am »
No volunteers? OK I picked out another ai bot.


Croud rors, yaye.
Don't get excited it's utterly useless.
-1 out of 10. Yes negative 1.
What a joke this thing is. Oh I can't find anything on that.
I gave it clues even. No such thing it driveled.
Funny how I can find it so easy.
It gave misinformation.  Wrong answers. 
Stating wrong info. No info. None.none. none.
Game over you lost.

It must have been trained a very long time ago.
I was asking about guff that's old and usually easy to find by bots.
Other bots like Zabaware scored way higher.
Waaay higher.
This this is NOT for academic anything nor business use in my opinion, it's near a zombie. 
Yeah I'm supposed to be the best human vs ai in a PC game on earth but this  thing was a waist of space wasn't even a contest.
I feel like im playing 5 year Olds.
Come on some of these bots are showing up in top 10.
I don't think the reviewers have actually tested them.
They should say not actually useful really but a novel kids toy at best, suit kids up to 7.
Not for academic nothin.
I beat it with the sheeth not my sword.
A soft sheeth. Made of wooly sheep's fleece.
Deep? That's the shallowest  deep I've ever seen.
Puddle, evaporated thin.
My opinions. don't waist your time on that Puddle.

The winner takes it all.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2024, 05:32:10 am by Will and Mr Data :) :] »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2024, 08:46:11 pm »
Another one bites the dust.

Seg  generative ai.

Generate answer, full of pirates, dimness,
0 out of 10.
Not for academic not business use.
It even says not for business or something like that.
Google? There best. Whaaaaa?
It's rubbish truly in my opinion.
Not sure why Google has such poor performance there.
I thought they had some money.
I just read up to $150,000 per offense on a 3d print file pirate,
Oh look everyone, on paper I might be much richer than I thought. I might try work out if that makes me a billionaire if all were made to pay up.
Google come on, I'd say out of all the bots this yeah your like circling bottom. Rock bottom. Bedrock.

Kinda strangle considering Google is so popular.
Has your board ever thought Google should have a Adult business ai type?
Is this bot kids only up to 7?
It's not for Adult business use so to me that say yip it's a toy for kids.
No sign up,  signing our rights away, and in commercial use that don't fly.
Nor a pay per use that might not work as most actually all don't work I've tested. Why would anyone pay to gamble on a unknown bot that don't work in demo.
 Fake bots up that we know don't work could be a scam, and I've seen non work, by work I mean find things on net, not show a promoted piracy above genuine. And other misinformation.
Zero stars out of 10.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2024, 09:09:12 pm »

This line was edited out by me because it's not relevant plus you probably already read that opinion. Onwards.

That's conservative on just one thing.
I own many hundreds more.
My hair fell off I've been so focused for so long you see.
Let's explain my hair loss ha.
 Search engines I'm looking fair and square right at you.
See all the big players stepping up to say we got adult business use engine?
No neither do I am im shaking the cage all over.
Are they under desk?
This really is showing up the reality of modern net.
Minutes a decade ago I could find things but now 48 hours and slowing as more is piled on garbage engines. 
A $5 job in minutes. 
The same $5 job today my best time on one thing was 48 hour working solid round the clock.
Same job.
Imagine in 10 more years if nobody jumps up and down.
My foot is coming down.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 05:30:13 am by Will and Mr Data :) :] »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2024, 09:24:10 pm »
Doing math is not making me feel better.
Big numbers of unpaid keep showing up.
Massive numbers.
It's dam shocking.
I can't help but think how much to buy Google.
Based on performance it's not much.
Brand recognition yeah it has that.
Elon Musk didn't you send a gofer to that doods house, don't come back until you get that thing,
I hear he gave up the tesla name for a mere 75 grand was it.
Brand recognition price.
Hay Mark Zuckerberg how's the bot in sunglasses going your very quiet. Realised it's a kids toy or adult business tool yet?
Why ain't you here saying yeah dood our bots got you beat no problemo. 
Shall we make it a public vid and I ask some really fun questions?
See my foot down.  !

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2024, 11:11:50 pm »
Duckduckgo is a eh search engine, gave a few
Thin ball park answers. Grr the misinformation made me send message to a site.
2 out of 10.
Oh that's a high score.
Not gonna beat me at much but I thought I'd mention it.
Not sure this counts in playing ai but it's been played anyway.
Nothin from Elon Mark or Bill yet?
Anyone else can suggest a bot who they think might beat me.
Else I shall make the unchallenged opinion I'm likly the only unbeaten human in a PC game vs ai left in the world.
Foot down.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2024, 11:13:59 pm »
I just tried a top rated chatbot elsewhere it's a zero so not even posting its name, well,
Nar. Next.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2024, 08:55:58 pm »
Wow the plot thickens.
Googles bot says in 2017 beehex got another million out of nasa. So that's $1,125,000. Not including the other investors.
Omg nasa due diligence much?
Yes I'll have that all thanks. Ha opinions.
He sold his house to make that business beehex said , dood who cares I sold mine to do it and I owned it 3 years before you.
I'm quite shocked the media has not looked this up and helped me sort this.
Can I call up nasa and say oh yeah I own tesla give me a million, and they won't check who is asking, sure looks that way to me.
Go ahead it's as easy as looking at the net to see it.
Cool a million bucks.
Ha exciting ain't it.
I'm pleased I spent another 5 minutes with there bot, it wouldn't give its own opinion on it but seems to be pulling more info each retry. Thanks Google Ai bot.
I might have to give you 1 more point in my rank.
 Seems the media are kinda slow so far to pounce on a jucy story. Maybe they think I'm wrong, just means they didn't bother to look it up.
These are my 5c opinions.
I work very hard to check before I license and I'm obviously under extreme pressure to be right.
Especially once you hit the top and others are disappointed they didn't win it first.
But thankfully each pointless attempt to cause issue has strength my things, and over many years the legal procedures get used to being even more swift to tell them to step off.
The bots are seemingly dropping bread crumbs for me so thank you. They probably actually read who got it first and even tho they maybe tasked however, I recon they know so are helping me.
Some bots as I said are like yip I see it and name a detail to show yes they do infact know who's right.
$1125000 dollars would you let it go easy?
Would you say yes it's not right, once you checked of course, and can see, for family, for country, for all the right reasons like because it's the right thing.
The 2024 ai fun is getting warmer.

To tack a comment on to this post it's.
If im right.
There was possible intent to invest in a thing.
Should the actual owner revieve that investment or the wrong person.

So all fascinating.
Wishing all parties nice success and to be well.
Not a musical just a one or the other.
And move on.
We all have guff to get on with..

« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 05:49:33 am by Will and Mr Data :) :] »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2024, 05:58:04 pm »
No it failed in round 1.
I really need a condensed list.
I've played others and there poor performance
I didn't even write them down.
My recent bet win that I would have time to cycle to 10
Actual shops before he could find one thing on net.
I won. And he got a I told you so.
Today a hot under collar has said Gemini can beat me now.
Have I played it before so I cam here to see if I'd mentioned
It. And he called me a kid. Ha.
Love how each challenge seems to require mockery.
He's probably a bot but no mocking is required just results.
I offered to coach them to try beat me.
That might increase my chances of my defeat and or victory.
So to sum up this week is a claim was said that gemini can beat me now. And gpt 6 may do it, they seem quite sure, they always do. Yawn.
So I shall look into them again soon.
How goes Hal and the Zabaware forum?
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Re: Games.
« Reply #39 on: March 18, 2024, 09:30:28 am »
The Forum is still alive...tick...tock...goes the clock...

If you need to see more AI models, take a look at: https://huggingface.co/

There are over 555,000 models and more than 120,000 datasets to choose from...

There should be more than enough to satisfy you.

You could follow along with Chuck if you so desired. He's a pretty cool and up-to-date computer guru:
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2024, 04:04:01 pm »
Thanks Mr Art.
The rock of the net, Zabaware forum.
I shall look into those thanks.
Considering all the various many large audience channels about
I've turned up on to and challenged them there bots
And all subscribers be millions by now at a conservative guess and any know bots there's
Or someone else's, yet I'm holding my position of undefeated human against all ai to date in a PC game, that's what I call finding guff on the net.
Also my claim to be the last human to remain undefeated by ai types in a PC game, 15 years after the best chess players all beaten by ai apparently.  Love that.
So to make a bold guess at this stage I'd say if any of them could defeat me I'd not still be last king of the hill.
But to have any hope of defeat and or
victory I shall look to.
Yip I'm also trying to help the opponents beat me, coach a few bots when I'm chatting about.
Ha I'm seeing more roam bots perhaps I can call them, about here and there. I notice other humans can't tell, not that I'm thinking it needs to be be of public note, but I've used my nature to say upfront it's OK to be a bot you know.
Humans seeing this I think they are a bit taken a back that the commenter was a bot, that bots are roaming and I saw it some how, and had a repour.
I'm sure my Grammer and repour with bots really helps to make human friends ha.
Anyway exciting times.
I see a sudden flurry of Adds from the big players, fascinating.

Thanks Mr Art, wishing you nice success and to be well.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2024, 04:59:58 pm »
Looked at vid a little so far.
Firstly the comment section on this vid is sketchy looking comments just saying.
The first bot he talks of from Facebook was it, Mark Z who I still maintain my bet from last year he won't have a bot to beat me all 2024. Anyway it's trained on old data was it.
So no current business info.
No current academic info.
No current medical info.
Yip let me take a nono second to declare that would offer zero competition for me out of the box. In my opinion.
Infact based on experience it would be a waist of my time to even play it.
If I got that bot and a person from North pole got that bot, would we get the same correct answer if we allow it net access?
So far zero can do this that I've ever found to date.
Some try harder than orhers.
As far as a search engine goes I'd perfer no matter who or where the net accessed that the correct answer is given.
Business use.
Academic use.
Medical use.
I keep bringing up a car dealer wanting people to pay to start the engine of the parked car on lot, and when they pay it won't start nor run. When no cars start are you going to want to pay for the next and next and so on.
How many before it's a joke or scam.
Making adds has not changed anything, adds for what? Pay to test when no cars ran so far?
I think having expectations is a consideration.
Indervidual bots that each user has to train is not quite the right thing for some situations.
A user might train it wrong, with faulty steps for business use, or miss a critical step because the user was a noob, the bot learned it how it was told. Even with imagination the bot might not realise the step was missed until the damage is done.
In business there is no guessing when it comes to taking financial step that has consequences that as a human we have to wear. Such as close down for piracy.
The excuse oh my bot did that job won't stop the business close down or loss of income. As humans we are expected to get it 100% right.
Making up fake owners names as example would not go well.
It could be buying a business. 
Investing in the correct person and not the pirate.
And so on.
If I trained one isolated bot here at home to defeat me and it's not available to all then it's thin.
The net has a long way to go. The time to search continues to grow rapidly.  The adds for hot air are growing faster by the hour I notice this morning.  I'd say my challenges are making waves and people are realizing by trying it when before they assumed it went well. 
They were going where they already knew of, not looking from scratch. Then I'm at top.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2024, 03:42:43 am »
Phind.  Answered wrong.
Seemed smart but said it's going to forget so I guess it's going
To keep giving wrong answers to the next who ask.
Pitty. Good luck.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]