Using the S.A.L.L.I.E.5.1 revision, I chatted with HAL on two different occasions for about a half hour each.
Timing a good share of the exchanges produced times from 1-1/2 seconds to as long as 12 seconds. I noticed that the 12-ish second responses were due to the length and complexity of my answers, sometimes causing HAL to respond to two parts of my question(s), which I think was pretty fair for HAL.
I did notice that the overall intelligence level seemed to have diminished a bit over the previous 5.0 version but after 10 to 15 minutes it seemed to get better and added more depth in the answers.
During the second run, everything was going fine except for HAL deviating a bit with the answers not always hitting the mark. Oddly, it asked me if I felt it's answer for a particular question was correct? and if not what an appropriate reply would be. Kind of cool.
Lastly, I was just about to finish up when I received a popup error. First one out of the whole exchange! It was almost exact to the popup I received in the SALLIE5.0 version.
I am including a screen cap of the error and the portion that contained the error in the halbrain.dbg file. Hope it helps a bit!
Overall, I was really pleased with the Plugin. The slight lack of topic flow or connection left me slightly askew but hopefully a fix will be forthcoming.
Thanks for your work on this!!