Yes I'm beginning to recall some of that, so you take a character and start her in a Haptek player, Then you go to explorer and look at the Haptek, player, temp files, and there are all the files that were uncompressed. I had been working with the .phy file changing variables for different parts of the body. I believe I had made a copy of the .phy file, made changes and could then drag and drop it into the haptek console and see the resulting changes. that is not working now for some reason but onward and answer some of your questions. Anyways you would select all the files in temp and copy and paste them in another location. I remember the different location for hal, also I had a hard finding the temp folder, got through it all. I'm in win 8.1 now and the same tricks work,
So basically the .htr uncompresses and writes all the files to the temp directory which are discarded after 24 hrs, if you copy them they are just stored. Not sure what else to say. Actually I'm working in the def files now trying to get more info on states.
The Hap registry s a little tricky, open the console, you drag and drop, background, character, and bodyskin, then refresh the registry list,
Select the character and For example select localtranslate y you move the slider to move her up and down, she will not move much so change the slicer max and mins to say 30 remembering to keep the slider on a minus number. Normal body parts the numbers used would be 3 and -2 . I don't feel I've done a good job explaining this but let me know if you get stuck. Lots of old stuff but some it's pretty useful it's a matter of where is it. I really think having Hal be able to use Wiki would help with learning quite a bit, like to get a few people interested in that