I had a look into getting around this by using topic files and came a cropper on the following code in the default .uhp file:
'If Hal is currently focusing on a topic, this will read from the appropriate focus file
'First it tries from a topic file specific to the current user, and if that doesn't
'produce results it tries a global topic file that is the same for all users
If TopicFocus > 10 Then
FocusString = CStr(TopicFocus)
FocusFileNum = Left(FocusString, Len(FocusString) - 1) & "5"
If CInt(Right(FocusString, 1)) > 0 And CInt(Right(FocusString, 1)) < 28 Then
HalUserBrain = HalBrain.QABrain(LongUserSent, WorkingDir & Trim(UserName) & "focus" & FocusFileNum & ".brn", UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel > 0 Then
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalUserBrain & vbCrLf
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "A response of relevance " & UserBrainRel & " was found in the current global topic focus file and this response has been used." & vbCrLf
End If
End If
If CInt(Right(FocusString, 1)) > 0 And CInt(Right(FocusString, 1)) < 28 And UserBrainRel = 0 Then
HalUserBrain = HalBrain.QABrain(LongUserSent, WorkingDir & "focus" & FocusFileNum & ".brn", UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel > 0 Then
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalUserBrain & vbCrLf
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "A response of relevance " & UserBrainRel & " was found in the current user topic focus file and this response has been used." & vbCrLf
End If
End If
End If
A couple of things here were gumming up the works: converting the rightmost character of the FocusString to an int was retruning 5, which is always less than 28 (how did 28 get in here, the highest single digit integer you can get is surely 9), and the variable UserBrainRel seems to be mostly set at -1.
I didn't understand it, so I hit it with a hammer and put this in its place:
'If Hal is currently focusing on a topic, this will read from the appropriate focus file
'First it tries from a topic file specific to the current user, and if that doesn't
'produce results it tries a global topic file that is the same for all users
If TopicFocus > 10 Then
FocusString = CStr(TopicFocus)
FocusFileNum = Left(FocusString, Len(FocusString) - 1) & "5"
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "--trying for a topicfocus match" & vbcrlf
If CInt(Right(FocusString, 1)) > 0 Then
HalUserBrain = HalBrain.QABrain(LongUserSent, WorkingDir & "focus" & FocusFileNum & ".brn", UserBrainRel)
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "--in topicfocus and userbrainrel = 0" & vbcrlf
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalUserBrain & vbCrLf
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "A response of relevance " & UserBrainRel & " was found in the current user topic focus file and this response has been used." & vbCrLf
UserBrainRel = 0
End If
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "--no topicfocus matching attempted" & vbcrlf
End If
This seems to have done the trick. If you're interested, I've posted a little more information on the following web page:
http://www.hivemind.net.au/hivemind/ow.asp?UltraHalAssistantbtw, Ultra Hal is a hoot!
... .... .- --. --. -.--