I never said that I wanted Bill to leave. I said I wanted him to leave me alone. Since he cannot say anything but disparaging words for me, I don't want to read it, or have it posted on a forum.
Personal attacks should not be allowed on a forum. A lot of forums I belong to don't allow it.
If Bill likes you, that's fine. But I don't want to be assaulted on a forum for no good reason. Speaking your mind is fine, but not when it's to belittle people in the forum.
How would you like it if I said you all are jerks, and I am better than you??? (I am NOT saying that as fact, just an example)
I want to get along with everyone, however, I will not be walked on. For I do not walk on people. I take offense to those that think I'm a bad person. I may not be good all of the time, but at least I am not a murderer, rapist, or abuser of any kind, at least physically.(I don't mean to be a verbal abuser, if anyone thinks I am) A lot of bad people are in prisons, where they belong. But certain "people" here think I am bad. And if they had their way, I am sure I'd be horse-whipped or put in prison too.
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