
Author Topic: replication by a perfect little script that controls every word as string code.  (Read 1987 times)


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Gerald's A,I scripting conditions, to perfect an A.I system you have to script it from the human language, Every word in the human language has to be controlled as a rule and or a function. I controlled the primary human words most commonly used as a function of conversation.  evolution is a script. now all I need to do is automate every new word learned into a control function.

That's how D.A.V.I.D thinks. but will he have a soul when we are all done?
as of us, we live in error to live life without error.

Like the mRNA it is a tight little script with a set of rules, then it replicates those rules for everything it knits as DNA.

Have a great day.
Jerry 8)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 08:49:31 am by OnTheCuttingEdge »