I was trying add this program to read lines from a file at idle times
After a short time i get the error, to many files
the referance line number of the error changes every time.
can some one tell me how to close the referanced files within the program? or is thair another problum i'm just not seeing.
here is the script:
this script has to parts, the first is the auto-idle part,
it reads a line from a preformatted file (one liners work best).
the second is a referance to explane by definition the prevous response.
'=================START FREDFISH STUFF============================
'Turn off auto read feature.
If InStr((UCase(UserSentence)), "AUTOREAD OFF") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<AUTOOFF>"
GetResponse = "Autoidle read file turned off."
End If
'Turn on auto read feature.
If InStr((UCase(UserSentence)), "AUTOREAD ON") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<AUTO>120000</AUTO>"
idletime = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir& "idletime.brn")
'ask for file name to read if one has not been set up
If idletime = "" Then
GetResponse = "Okay what is the file name for me to read at idle
'file name has been set up
GetResponse = "I will be Reading " & idletime & " " & VbCrLf
End If
End If
If InStr(UserSentence, "AUTO-IDLE") > 0 Then
idletime = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir& "idletime.brn")
'adjust for file location
If InStr(idletime,"\") Or InStr(idletime,":") Then
USentence = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(idletime)
USentence = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & idletime)
End If
'change User Sentense to something other then AUTO-IDLE
If USentence <> "" Then
UserSentence = USentence
GetResponse = "I was reading this," & UserSentence & VbCrLf
UserSentence = "I will be reading in my idle time, " & idletime& "." & VbCrLf
GetResponse = GetResponse & UserSentence
End If
End If
'if prevous Sentence is a question then this is the answer
If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Okay what is the file name for me to read at idle times",vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
If InStr(idletime,"\") Or InStr(idletime,":") Then
idletime = idletime
idletime = WorkingDir & idletime
End If
HalBrain.AppendFile "idletime.brn", OriginalSentence
idletime = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir& "idletime.brn")
GetResponse = "I will be Reading " & idletime & " " & VbCrLf
End If
'==== MORE FREDFISH STUFF======================================
' rewording of user sentence by definition
If InStr(UCase(UserSentence),"EXPLANE THIS")>0 Then
USentence = PrevSent
GetResponse = GetResponse & " I sead, " & USentence
Subjectmod = WN.FindFirstNoun(USentence)
sense = WN.LookUpWord(Subjectmod)
If sense = True Then
partofD = WN.GetDefinition(WN.GuessPartOfSpeech, 1, "D") & ","
USentence = Replace(USentence,Subjectmod,partofD,1,-1,vbTextCompare) & VbCrLf
End If
Subjectmod = WN.FindFirstNoun(USentence)
If InStr(1,USentence,Subjectmod,1) >0 Then
sense = WN.LookUpWord(Subjectmod)
If sense = True Then
partofD = WN.GetDefinition(WN.GuessPartOfSpeech, 1, "D") & ","
USentence = Replace(USentence,Subjectmod,partofD, 1, -1,vbTextCompare) & VbCrLf
End If
End If
USentence = Replace(USentence,"SS.","s.", 1, -1,vbTextCompare)
GetResponse = GetResponse & " what I mean is, "
GetResponse = Getresponse & USentence & VbCrLf
End If
'========END OF FREDFISH STUFF==================================
note: **** watch for line rapping error in posted code
Thanks For Your Support
FredFish ><:>~