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Messages - JosephP

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Services & Products Created With Ultra Hal
« on: August 13, 2009, 07:40:09 am »
First of all, thank everyone who responded to my post. I can see this is is a forum with very active and thoughtful members.

Let me try again. If I create, let us say a short story using Microsoft Word, I own that story and can dispose of it in any way I see fit, for love or for profit. Microsoft could care less about the content that I created using its word processing product.

However, if I convert that story to a MP3 file with an artificial voice, made it available for downloads for Zunes or Ipod, burned a CD to sell does the company which created the program which allows me to accomplish this retain rights over the disposition of my story in this new format?

Stated another way, it appears to me that this artificial voice technology is another form of word processing. There is a direct line between this new form, the word processor, the typewriter and the ink and feather.

I have checked out a number of text to voice products. One company with very life-like voices charges $500 for 30,000 words. Well, I can go through 30,000 words before breakfast. I would hate to count the words stored on my various hard drives. One would could go broke trying to find a product which would sell at that price. Another company has a licensing agreement which won't let their product be used in America for commerical purposes. Well...ok, then.

The question is: can this Zabaware text to voice product be used in commerial products? Is this a word processor or are there royalities involved like, for instance, when a human voice is used? Are there restrictions? If I used it for commerical purposes, should I expect to have friendly chat with a federal agent?

Anyway, thank all of you for being so very helpful. joe

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Services & Products Created With Ultra Hal
« on: August 12, 2009, 06:37:47 pm »
If I write really hard and pound away using Microsoft Word for instance, for a couple of weeks and come up with a manuscript which can be sold, there is no doubt about ownership and my right to sell.

However, I find in this artifical voice/text reader world, this is not necessarily the case. There are restrictions, licensing agreements, territories, which interfer with what I want to do. Some companies with extremely good voices and programs which would work for my application, restrict the use of their product or makes it so exensive that I can't justify even trying them.

Why spend a few hundred hours getting a manuscript together converting it MP3/WAV when I can't freely sell the darn thing. HAL would work quite well for me. I tested several voices and all are great. What I would like to know before I buy, What are the restrictions? Does Zabaware view its program like Microsoft views Word or Excel? Or are there problems with getting a product created using a Zabaware product to the market?

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