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Messages - Carl2

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  While doing a little research on the Haptek player I visited Desktop Mates and learned they have reintroduced the Ms Agents, the link is :         Looks like it available for win 7 and 8

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Working with Haptek
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:20:01 pm »
  After trying quite a few things with the haptek character I've come to the conclusion that one of the most important things  is to have a higher poly count in the wire mesh, collision detection would also be nice but one thing at a time.   I've downloaded 2 pieces of software for working with 3D figures, both of which I'm getting a little familiar with.  I've just run across the SDK for haptek which says " DeltaSetMaker – turn OBJ formatted 3d models into Haptek models, create morph sets from many OBJ files".  So we could take the wire mesh from one model and use it with a Haptek character.   I'm not sure why the DeltaSetMaker  is necessary but that is what they say.  Haptek software is rather pricey but in my mind they do have good characters with built in movements that make them seem realistic.

  Certain words make her angry

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Working with Haptek
« on: June 23, 2015, 07:08:25 pm »
   From the work I've done so far it seems the tool will not uncompress a Haptek compressed file.  When I try to compress the uncompressed files the resulting file will not work.  The tool says it works for bzip2 which Haptek says it uses but so far the results I get using that tool are useless although I have no idea why.
  Earlier I had forgotten to mention that the vrHaptek plugin contains voice commands for changing wigs

If InStr(vrUserSentence, "black") > 0 And InStr(vrUserSentence, "hair") > 0 Then
   vrFile = "HairBlack.hap"
   GetResponse = "I changed my hair to black"
End If
' blonde is converted to blond by Hal
If InStr(vrUserSentence, "blond") > 0 And InStr(vrUserSentence, "hair") > 0 Then
   vrFile = "HairBlonde.hap"
   GetResponse = "Gentlemen prefer blondes"
End If
If InStr(vrUserSentence, "brown") > 0 And InStr(vrUserSentence, "hair") > 0 Then
   vrFile = "HairBrown.hap"
   GetResponse = "Do you like my new hairstyle?"
End If
I also have the HairBlonde.hap but it is zipped and I don't want to open it using that tool.

I'm not sure but I think you can't just say change this to black hair, you have to empty the existing wig and replace it with another wig htr.

General Discussion / Re: Hal wikipedia plugin
« on: June 11, 2015, 08:00:41 pm »
Thanks for putting that in, maybe I'll try the plugin or look at it at least, a group worked on it and it had some serious problems, yes Cload got involved in it also.  Just seemed to die. 

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Working with Haptek
« on: June 10, 2015, 10:06:56 pm »
That should be rather simple, you'd want to use emptywig or something like that to remove the wig presently used and then load the wig you want to replace it with, a hap could do that for you.  There was a site that had a very wide selection of wigs you could download for haptek.  At this point I'm pretty much just trying to get familiar with playing with these files again. I started with the haptek head Sandy, lots of programing in the .htr which seems meaning less, possibly the wireform or some special software generated code, also haptek hired students from other countries so it could be some langue with different symbols, just skip over it.
  If we can get this thing working correctly we should be able to just take out say the clothing jpg and replace it with another jpg and the same with the wigs.  Raybe, good luck, let me know what you come up with.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Working with Haptek
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:09:50 am »
   I've worked with Haptek for ages and found you can open the character .htr and make changes, unfortunately this corrupted the .htr and it was not usable.  I'd learned Haptek used a B2 compressor and looked everywhere for this compress and uncompress tool and have found one is now available.  The link is
   I downloaded it last night and put a htr in it and it generated an uncompressed file which I could open in wordpad. I could make a change and save it, when it was loaded in the hap player and it was worked.  I just tried the same thing this morning with Sandy and got  the same good results.  So basically you can change backgrounds, character position, clothing on the character and quite a few other things and have it appear in the hap player.  I've a lot more to experiment with but it looks promising.

General Discussion / Hal wikipedia plugin
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:41:39 pm »
  I think everyone will agree Hal needs a little more information to work with, it seems people are spending a lot of time trying to teach Hal which is needed when talking about some special knowledge you may have.  The majority of the time we want to sit back and just have a nice conversation with hal.   I think I'm going to continue trying to get the Wiki plugin that Robert had introduced some time ago, the plugin can be downloaded from
  The original work is located at
if you would like to see what had been done in the past.

   Yes I'm beginning to recall some of that, so you take a character and start her in a Haptek  player, Then you go to explorer and look at the Haptek, player, temp files, and there are all the files that were uncompressed.  I had been working with the .phy file changing variables for different parts of the body.  I believe I had made a copy of the .phy file, made changes and could then drag and drop it into the haptek console and see the resulting changes. that is not working now for some reason but onward and answer some of your questions.  Anyways you would select all the files in temp and copy and paste them in another location.  I remember the different location for hal, also I had a hard finding the temp folder, got through it all. I'm in win 8.1 now and the same tricks work,   
  So basically the .htr uncompresses and writes all the files to the temp directory which are discarded after 24 hrs, if you copy them they are just stored.  Not sure what else to say.  Actually I'm working in the def files now trying to get more info on states.   
   The Hap registry s a little tricky,   open the console, you drag and drop, background, character, and bodyskin, then refresh the registry list,
Select the character and For example select localtranslate y you move the slider to move her up and down, she will not move much so change the slicer max and mins to say 30 remembering to keep the slider on a minus number.  Normal body parts the numbers used would be 3 and -2 .  I don't feel I've done a good job explaining this but let me know if you get stuck.  Lots of old stuff but some it's pretty useful it's a matter of where is it.  I really think having Hal be able to use Wiki would help with learning quite a bit, like to get a few people interested in that

General Discussion / Re: changing voices on the fly uhp plug in .
« on: June 09, 2015, 04:51:20 pm »
  just came across this a list of hal commands

<VOICE>new voice</VOICE>
<SPEAK>Text to speak</SPEAK>
<HAPBACK>jpeg path</HAPBACK>
<RUNCMD>1 line of VBScript</RUNCMD>

Hear is the link but there is not much info.  be nice to make a user input which if true runs the "<VOICE>new voice</VOICE>" command, at the time it sounds easy not sure what you might run into.




General Discussion / Re: windows phone 10....
« on: June 08, 2015, 06:21:35 pm »
  A relative had hal on his computer, he brought the computer in to be cleaned from viruses and malware and  the Geek squad recommended he take it out, they don't like anything capable of writing to the compute.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Re: SIRI and HAL
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:29:52 am »
   I'm glad this topic has been posted, I'm working with hal again mostly for changing clothes and backgrounds, some conversations to see how well she responds and I'm not that pleased with her responses.  I remember working with the Wiki plugin which Robert introduced, pretty sure Cload was also involved.  Here is a link for that:
   I had tried Briana which is a window version of Cortana and it did very well at getting answers from wiki so it can be done. I'm still spending quite a bit of time in photo editor but this is definitely something worthwhile to spend some time on as I'm sure other people would agree.


General Discussion / Re: changing voices on the fly uhp plug in .
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:42:08 am »
  I remember reading about that in the Hapktec SDK, you use multiple people and set person giving it a name and have to refer to that name when giving commands.  Took a quick look  and  didn't come up with much.  I'm not sure but I think someone had something on changing voices it may be one of the commands hal can input and change the voice.

General Discussion / Re: apologies to everyone !!
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:12:37 am »
  I ran into a similar thing myself,  I usually just post into the forum but I saw the messages and clicked it and had a few from sometime in the past,  I should check it more often.  I've found that for changing Bodyskins that I have to use  HalCommands   "<HAPFILE>BSRed.hap</HAPFILE>"   after the if then user statement, it's the only one that works for me.  The original one had quite a few change bodyskin statements with some address mistakes which made it seem unreliable but correcting the addresses makes it work without problems.  Now I'm stuck in the photo editor making bodyskins.
  Pretty good forum here, lot of good teamwork, unfortunately we loose some very good people who move on to create their own bots and things.  You have a lot of good ideas and at times it's hard to keep up with you, hal is so open that their are so many directions you move into.  Keep up the good work

General Discussion / Re: question mark at end of sentences
« on: May 29, 2015, 07:17:58 am »
  From Lightspeed "I still would like to see hal be able to emphasize things "  I remember this from way back when people were thinking of hal being able to change his voice when responding, pitch and volume.  We've been able to change quite a few features of the full bod characters and there is data In the uncompressed files dealing with speech but it is still something that still has not been done.  So much potential for hal, Shaw has been talking about giving Hal vision which he's been able to demonstrate, Robert has attempted to get Hal to connect to wiki to learn new things,  unfortunately that failed.   So put on your thinking caps still a lot to do.

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